- class lobsterpy.plotting.PlainCohpPlotter(zero_at_efermi=True, are_coops=False, are_cobis=False)[source]#
Modified Pymatgen CohpPlotter with styling removed.
This allows the styling to be manipulated more easily using matplotlib style sheets.
- Parameters:
zero_at_efermi – Shift all populations to have zero energy at the Fermi level. Defaults to True.
are_coops – Bool indicating that populations are COOPs, not COHPs. Defaults to False, i.e., COHPs are plotted.
are_cobis – Bool indicating that populations are COBIs, not COHPs. Defaults to False, i.e., ICOHPs are plotted.
- get_plot(ax=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, plot_negative=None, integrated=False, invert_axes=True, sigma=None)[source]#
Get a matplotlib plot showing the COHP.
- Parameters:
ax (Axes | None) – Existing Matplotlib Axes object to plot to.
xlim (tuple[float, float] | None) – Specifies the x-axis limits. Defaults to None for automatic determination.
ylim (tuple[float, float] | None) – Specifies the y-axis limits. Defaults to None for automatic determination.
plot_negative (bool | None) – It is common to plot -COHP(E) so that the sign means the same for COOPs and COHPs. Defaults to None for automatic determination: If are_coops is True, this will be set to False, else it will be set to True.
integrated (bool) – Switch to plot ICOHPs. Defaults to False.
invert_axes (bool) – Put the energies onto the y-axis, which is common in chemistry.
sigma (float | None) – Standard deviation of Gaussian broadening applied to population data. If this is unset (None) no broadening will be added.
- Returns:
A matplotlib object.