- lobsterpy.plotting.layout_dicts.energy_axis_style_dict = {'linecolor': 'black', 'linewidth': 2, 'mirror': True, 'showgrid': False, 'showline': True, 'tickfont': {'size': 16}, 'ticks': 'inside', 'tickwidth': 2, 'title.font': {'size': 20}, 'zeroline': True, 'zerolinecolor': 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', 'zerolinewidth': 3}#
Energy axis style.
- Parameters:
title.font (dict) – axis title font style.
tickfont (dict) – axis tick font style.
ticks (str) – ticks style.
tickwidth (float) – width of ticks.
showgrid (bool) – show or hide axis grid.
showline (bool) – show or hide axis.
zeroline (bool) – show or hide zero line.
zerolinecolor (str) – color of zero line.
zerolinewidth (float) – width of zero line.
mirror (bool) – mirror axis.
linewidth (float) – width of axis line.
linecolor (str) – color of axis line.