# Copyright (c) lobsterpy development team
# Distributed under the terms of a BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
"""Here classes and functions to plot Lobster outputs are provided."""
from __future__ import annotations
import typing
from itertools import cycle
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pymatgen.core import Structure
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.cohp import Cohp, CompleteCohp, IcohpCollection
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Spin
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.dos import LobsterCompleteDos
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.plotter import CohpPlotter, DosPlotter
from lobsterpy.cohp.analyze import Analysis
from lobsterpy.plotting import layout_dicts as ld
def get_style_list(
no_base_style: bool = False,
styles: list[str | dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
) -> list[str | dict[str, Any]]:
Get args for matplotlib.style from user input.
Remaining kwargs are collected as a dict and take the highest priority.
:param no_base_style: If true, do not include lobsterpy_base.mplstyle
:param styles: User-requested styles. These can be paths to mplstyle files,
the names of known (matplotlib-supplied) styles, or dicts of rcParam options.
:param kwargs: matplotlib-style sheet keyword arguments
base = [] if no_base_style else [str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent / "lobsterpy_base.mplstyle")]
if styles is None:
styles = []
return base + styles + [kwargs]
class PlainCohpPlotter(CohpPlotter):
Modified Pymatgen CohpPlotter with styling removed.
This allows the styling to be manipulated more easily using matplotlib
style sheets.
:param zero_at_efermi: Shift all populations to have zero
energy at the Fermi level. Defaults to True.
:param are_coops: Bool indicating that populations are COOPs, not COHPs.
Defaults to False for COHPs.
:param are_cobis: Bool indicating that populations are COBIs, not COHPs.
Defaults to False for COHPs.
def get_plot(
ax: mpl.axes.Axes | None = None,
xlim: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
ylim: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
plot_negative: bool | None = None,
integrated: bool = False,
invert_axes: bool = True,
sigma: float | None = None,
Get a matplotlib plot showing the COHP.
:param ax: Existing Matplotlib Axes object to plot to.
:param xlim: Specifies the x-axis limits. Defaults to None for
automatic determination.
:param ylim: Specifies the y-axis limits. Defaults to None for
automatic determination.
:param plot_negative: It is common to plot -COHP(E) so that the
sign means the same for COOPs and COHPs. Defaults to None
for automatic determination: If are_coops is True, this
will be set to False, else it will be set to True.
:param integrated: Switch to plot ICOHPs. Defaults to False.
:param invert_axes: Put the energies onto the y-axis, which is
common in chemistry.
:param sigma: Standard deviation of Gaussian broadening applied to
population data. If this is unset (None) no broadening will be
A matplotlib object.
if self.are_coops and not self.are_cobis:
cohp_label = "COOP"
elif self.are_cobis and not self.are_coops:
cohp_label = "COBI"
elif self.are_cobis and self.are_coops:
raise ValueError("Plot data should not contain COBI and COOP data at same time")
cohp_label = "COHP" + " (eV)"
if plot_negative is None:
plot_negative = (not self.are_coops) and (not self.are_cobis)
if integrated:
cohp_label = "I" + cohp_label
if plot_negative:
cohp_label = "$-$" + cohp_label
energy_label = "$E - E_f$ (eV)" if self.zero_at_efermi else "$E$ (eV)"
colors = mpl.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]
ncolors = len(colors)
if ax is None:
_, ax = plt.subplots()
allpts = []
keys = self._cohps.keys()
for i, key in enumerate(keys):
energies = self._cohps[key]["energies"]
populations = self._cohps[key]["COHP"] if not integrated else self._cohps[key]["ICOHP"]
for spin in [Spin.up, Spin.down]:
if spin in populations:
if invert_axes:
x = -populations[spin] if plot_negative else populations[spin]
y = energies
x = self._broaden(y, x, sigma=sigma)
x = energies
y = -populations[spin] if plot_negative else populations[spin]
y = self._broaden(x, y, sigma=sigma)
allpts.extend(list(zip(x, y)))
if spin == Spin.up:
color=colors[i % ncolors],
ax.plot(x, y, color=colors[i % ncolors], linestyle="--")
if xlim:
xlim = ax.get_xlim()
assert isinstance(xlim, tuple)
if ylim:
relevanty = [p[1] for p in allpts if xlim[0] < p[0] < xlim[1]]
if relevanty:
plt.ylim((min(relevanty), max(relevanty)))
grid_like_line_kwargs = {
"color": mpl.rcParams["grid.color"],
"linewidth": mpl.rcParams["grid.linewidth"],
"linestyle": mpl.rcParams["grid.linestyle"],
"alpha": mpl.rcParams["grid.alpha"],
"zorder": 0,
if not invert_axes:
if self.zero_at_efermi:
ax.axvline(self._cohps[key]["efermi"], **grid_like_line_kwargs)
if self.zero_at_efermi:
ax.axhline(self._cohps[key]["efermi"], **grid_like_line_kwargs)
if invert_axes:
_ = ax.legend()
return plt
def _broaden(energies: np.ndarray, population: np.ndarray, sigma=None, cutoff=4.0):
Broaden the spectrum with a given standard deviation.
The population is convolved with a normalised Gaussian kernel. This
requires the energy grid to be regularly-spaced.
:param energies: Regularly-spaced energy series
:param population: Population data for broadening
:param sigma: Standard deviation for Gaussian broadening. If sigma is None
then the input data is returned without any processing.
:param cutoff: Range cutoff for broadening kernel, as a multiple of sigma.
Broadened population
from scipy.signal import convolve
from scipy.stats import norm
if sigma is None:
return population
spacing = np.mean(np.diff(energies))
if not np.allclose(np.diff(energies), spacing, atol=1e-5):
raise ValueError("Energy grid is not regular, cannot broaden with discrete convolution.")
# Obtain symmetric mesh for broadening kernel, centered on zero
kernel_x = np.arange(0, cutoff * sigma + 0.5 * spacing, spacing)
kernel_x = np.concatenate([-kernel_x[-1:1:-1], kernel_x])
kernel = norm.pdf(kernel_x, scale=sigma)
return convolve(population, kernel, mode="same") / kernel.sum()
class PlainDosPlotter(DosPlotter):
Modified Pymatgen DosPlotter with styling removed.
This allows the styling to be manipulated more easily using matplotlib
style sheets. It also adds additional functionalities to plotter
:param zero_at_efermi: Shift all DOS to have zero
energy at the Fermi level. Defaults to True.
:param stack: Bool indicating that plot should be stacked
area graph.
:param sigma: Standard deviation for gaussian smearing.
:param summed: Will plot summed dos spin populations.
Defaults to False.
def __init__(
zero_at_efermi: bool = True,
stack: bool = False,
summed: bool = False,
sigma: float | None = None,
) -> None:
Initialize DOS plotter.
:param zero_at_efermi: Whether to shift all Dos to have zero energy at the
fermi energy. Defaults to True.
:param stack: Whether to plot the DOS as a stacked area graph
:param summed: Whether to plot the summed spins DOS.
:param sigma: Specify a standard deviation for Gaussian smearing
the DOS for nicer looking plots. Defaults to None for no smearing.
super().__init__(zero_at_efermi, stack, sigma)
self.zero_at_efermi = zero_at_efermi
self.stack = stack
self.sigma = sigma
self.summed = summed
self._norm_val = True
self._doses = {} # type: ignore
def add_dos(self, label: str, dos: LobsterCompleteDos) -> None:
Add a dos for plotting.
:param label: label for the DOS. Must be unique.
:param dos: LobsterCompleteDos object
if dos.norm_vol is None:
self._norm_val = False
energies = dos.energies
if self.summed:
if self.sigma:
smeared_densities = dos.get_smeared_densities(self.sigma)
if Spin.down in smeared_densities:
added_densities = smeared_densities[Spin.up] + smeared_densities[Spin.down]
densities = {Spin.up: added_densities}
densities = smeared_densities
densities = {Spin.up: dos.get_densities()}
densities = dos.get_smeared_densities(self.sigma) if self.sigma else dos.densities
efermi = dos.efermi
self._doses[label] = {
"energies": energies,
"densities": densities,
"efermi": efermi,
def add_site_orbital_dos(self, dos: LobsterCompleteDos, orbital: str, site_index: int):
Add orbital dos at particular site.
:param dos: LobsterCompleteDos object
:param orbital: Orbitals name at the site. Must be unique.
:param site_index: site index in the structure
if dos.norm_vol is None:
self._norm_val = False
site = dos.structure.sites[site_index]
avail_orbs = list(dos.pdos[site])
if orbital not in avail_orbs and orbital != "all":
str_orbs = ", ".join(avail_orbs)
raise ValueError(f"Requested orbital is not available for this site, available orbitals are {str_orbs}")
if orbital == "all":
for orb in avail_orbs:
dos_obj = dos.get_site_orbital_dos(site=site, orbital=orb)
label = site.species_string + str(site_index + 1) + f": {orb}"
energies = dos_obj.energies
if self.summed:
if self.sigma:
smeared_densities = dos_obj.get_smeared_densities(self.sigma)
if Spin.down in smeared_densities:
added_densities = smeared_densities[Spin.up] + smeared_densities[Spin.down]
densities = {Spin.up: added_densities}
densities = smeared_densities
densities = {Spin.up: dos_obj.get_densities()}
densities = dos_obj.get_smeared_densities(self.sigma) if self.sigma else dos_obj.densities
efermi = dos_obj.efermi
self._doses[label] = {
"energies": energies,
"densities": densities,
"efermi": efermi,
dos_obj = dos.get_site_orbital_dos(site=site, orbital=orbital)
label = site.species_string + str(site_index + 1) + f": {orbital}"
energies = dos_obj.energies
if self.summed:
if self.sigma:
smeared_densities = dos_obj.get_smeared_densities(self.sigma)
if Spin.down in smeared_densities:
added_densities = smeared_densities[Spin.up] + smeared_densities[Spin.down]
densities = {Spin.up: added_densities}
densities = smeared_densities
densities = {Spin.up: dos_obj.get_densities()}
densities = dos_obj.get_smeared_densities(self.sigma) if self.sigma else dos_obj.densities
efermi = dos_obj.efermi
self._doses[label] = {
"energies": energies,
"densities": densities,
"efermi": efermi,
def get_plot(
ax: mpl.axes.Axes | None = None,
xlim: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
ylim: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
invert_axes: bool = False,
beta_dashed: bool = False,
sigma: float | None = None,
Get a matplotlib plot showing the COHP.
:param ax: Existing Matplotlib Axes object to plot to.
:param xlim: Specifies the x-axis limits. Defaults to None for
automatic determination.
:param ylim: Specifies the y-axis limits. Defaults to None for
automatic determination.
:param invert_axes: Put the energies onto the y-axis, which is
common in chemistry.
:param beta_dashed: Plots the beta spin channel with a dashed line. Defaults to False
:param sigma: Standard deviation of Gaussian broadening applied to population data.
If this is unset (None) no broadening will be added.
A matplotlib object.
ys = None
all_densities = []
all_energies = []
colors = mpl.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]
n_colors = len(colors)
if ax is None:
_, ax = plt.subplots()
# Note that this complicated processing of energies is to allow for
# stacked plots in matplotlib.
for dos in self._doses.values():
energies = dos["energies"]
densities = dos["densities"]
if not ys:
ys = {
Spin.up: np.zeros(energies.shape),
Spin.down: np.zeros(energies.shape),
new_dens = {}
for spin in [Spin.up, Spin.down]:
if spin in densities:
if self.stack:
ys[spin] += densities[spin]
new_dens[spin] = ys[spin].copy()
new_dens[spin] = densities[spin]
keys = list(reversed(self._doses))
all_pts = []
for idx, key in enumerate(keys):
for spin in [Spin.up, Spin.down]:
if spin in all_densities[idx]:
energy = all_energies[idx]
densities = list(int(spin) * all_densities[idx][spin])
if invert_axes:
x = densities
y = energy
x = energy
y = densities
all_pts.extend(list(zip(x, y)))
if self.stack:
ax.fill(x, y, color=colors[idx % n_colors], label=str(key))
elif spin == Spin.down and beta_dashed:
color=colors[idx % n_colors],
color=colors[idx % n_colors],
if xlim:
if ylim:
elif not invert_axes:
xlim = ax.get_xlim()
relevant_y = [p[1] for p in all_pts if xlim[0] < p[0] < xlim[1]]
ax.set_ylim((min(relevant_y), max(relevant_y)))
if not xlim and invert_axes:
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
relevant_y = [p[0] for p in all_pts if ylim[0] < p[1] < ylim[1]]
ax.set_xlim((min(relevant_y), max(relevant_y)))
if self.zero_at_efermi:
xlim = ax.get_xlim()
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
(ax.plot(xlim, [0, 0], "k--", linewidth=2) if invert_axes else ax.plot([0, 0], ylim, "k--", linewidth=2))
if invert_axes:
ax.set_ylabel("Energies (eV)")
ax.set_xlabel(f"Density of states (states/eV{'/ų' if self._norm_val else ''})")
ax.axvline(x=0, color="k", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
ax.set_xlabel("Energies (eV)")
if self._norm_val:
ax.set_ylabel("Density of states (states/eV/ų)")
ax.set_ylabel("Density of states (states/eV)")
ax.axhline(y=0, color="k", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
# Remove duplicate labels with a dictionary
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
label_dict = dict(zip(labels, handles))
ax.legend(label_dict.values(), label_dict.keys())
legend_text = ax.get_legend().get_texts() # all the text.Text instance in the legend
plt.setp(legend_text, fontsize=30)
_ = ax.legend()
return plt
class InteractiveCohpPlotter(CohpPlotter):
"""Interactive COHP, COBI or COOP plotter to view all relevant bonds in one figure.
:param zero_at_efermi: Shift all populations to have zero
energy at the Fermi level. Defaults to True.
:param are_coops: Bool indicating that populations are COOPs, not COHPs.
Defaults to False for COHPs.
:param are_cobis: Bool indicating that populations are COBIs, not COHPs.
Defaults to False for COHPs.
def add_cohp(self, label: str, cohp: Cohp):
Add COHP object to the plotter.
:param label: Label for the COHP. Must be unique.
:param cohp: COHP object.
if "All" not in self._cohps:
self._cohps["All"] = {}
energies = cohp.energies - cohp.efermi if self.zero_at_efermi else cohp.energies
if label not in self._cohps["All"]:
label: {
"energies": energies,
"COHP": cohp.get_cohp(),
"ICOHP": cohp.get_icohp(),
"efermi": cohp.efermi,
raise ValueError(
"Please use another label to add the COHP, provided label already exists "
"in the plot data, which will result in overwriting the existing COHP data."
def add_all_relevant_cohps(
analyse: Analysis,
suffix: str = "",
label_resolved: bool = True,
orbital_resolved: bool = False,
) -> None:
Add all relevant COHPs from lobsterpy analyse object.
:param analyse: Analyse object from lobsterpy.
:param suffix: Optional addition to LOBSTER label to avoid key conflicts when plotting multiple
calcs or just for additional legend information.
:param label_resolved: bool indicating to obtain label resolved interactive plots for relevant bonds.
If false, will return summed cohp curves of unique relevant bonds.
:param orbital_resolved: bool indicating to include orbital resolved interactive cohps for relevant bonds.
complete_cohp = analyse.chemenv.completecohp
plot_data = analyse.get_site_bond_resolved_labels()
if "All" not in self._cohps:
self._cohps["All"] = {}
# iterate and extract the data to be plotted from cohp objects
for bond_key, labels in plot_data.items():
count = len(labels)
label_with_count = self._insert_number_of_bonds_in_label(
label=bond_key, character=":", number_of_bonds=count
# get summed cohps from the relevant bond label at the site
cohp = complete_cohp.get_summed_cohp_by_label_list(label_list=labels)
energies = cohp.energies - cohp.efermi if self.zero_at_efermi else cohp.energies
drop_down_key = plot_legend = label_with_count + suffix # label for the dropdown menu
plot_legend: {
"energies": energies,
"COHP": cohp.get_cohp(),
"ICOHP": cohp.get_icohp(),
"efermi": cohp.efermi,
if len(plot_data) > 1:
if drop_down_key not in self._cohps:
self._cohps[drop_down_key] = {}
plot_legend: {
"energies": energies,
"COHP": cohp.get_cohp(),
"ICOHP": cohp.get_icohp(),
"efermi": cohp.efermi,
# Add cohp data for each relevant bond label iteratively
if label_resolved and not orbital_resolved:
if label_with_count + suffix not in self._cohps:
self._cohps[label_with_count + suffix] = {}
# Get cohp data for each relevant bond label at the site
for label in labels:
cohp = complete_cohp.get_cohp_by_label(label)
energies = cohp.energies - cohp.efermi if self.zero_at_efermi else cohp.energies
drop_down_key = label_with_count + suffix # label for the dropdown menu
plot_legend = self._get_plot_label_for_label_resolved(
if len(plot_data) > 1:
plot_legend: {
"energies": energies,
"COHP": cohp.get_cohp(),
"ICOHP": cohp.get_icohp(),
"efermi": cohp.efermi,
plot_legend_here = plot_legend + suffix
plot_legend_here: {
"energies": energies,
"COHP": cohp.get_cohp(),
"ICOHP": cohp.get_icohp(),
"efermi": cohp.efermi,
# Adds cohp data for each relevant orbitals and bond label iteratively
if orbital_resolved and label_resolved:
if label_with_count + suffix not in self._cohps:
self._cohps[label_with_count + suffix] = {}
# get relevant orbitals associated with each bond label
plot_data_orb = analyse.get_site_orbital_resolved_labels()
drop_down_key = label_with_count + suffix # label for the dropdown menu
key_val = plot_data_orb[bond_key]
# get cohp data for each orbital and associated bond labels iteratively
for orb, val in key_val.items():
for lab in val["bond_labels"]:
mapped_bond_labels = [item for item in [lab] for _ in range(len(val["relevant_sub_orbitals"]))]
cohp_orb = complete_cohp.get_summed_cohp_by_label_and_orbital_list(
label_list=mapped_bond_labels, orbital_list=val["relevant_sub_orbitals"]
energies = cohp_orb.energies - cohp_orb.efermi if self.zero_at_efermi else cohp_orb.energies
# plot legends will contain species and orbital along with relevant bond label
plot_legend = self._get_plot_label_for_label_resolved(
if len(plot_data) > 1:
plot_legend: {
"energies": energies,
"COHP": cohp_orb.get_cohp(),
"ICOHP": cohp_orb.get_icohp(),
"efermi": cohp_orb.efermi,
plot_legend_here = plot_legend + suffix
plot_legend_here: {
"energies": energies,
"COHP": cohp_orb.get_cohp(),
"ICOHP": cohp_orb.get_icohp(),
"efermi": cohp_orb.efermi,
# Adds summed cohp data for each relevant orbitals
if orbital_resolved and not label_resolved:
if label_with_count + suffix not in self._cohps:
self._cohps[label_with_count + suffix] = {}
# get relevant orbitals associated with each bond label
plot_data_orb = analyse.get_site_orbital_resolved_labels()
drop_down_key = label_with_count + suffix # label for the dropdown menu
key_val = plot_data_orb[bond_key]
# get summed cohp data for each relevant orbital
for orb, val in key_val.items():
mapped_bond_labels = [
item for item in val["bond_labels"] for _ in range(len(val["relevant_sub_orbitals"]))
cohp_orb = complete_cohp.get_summed_cohp_by_label_and_orbital_list(
orbital_list=val["relevant_sub_orbitals"] * len(val["bond_labels"]),
energies = cohp_orb.energies - cohp_orb.efermi if self.zero_at_efermi else cohp_orb.energies
# plot legends will contain species and orbital along with number of bonds at the site
plot_legend = self._get_plot_label_for_label_resolved(
if len(plot_data) > 1:
plot_legend: {
"energies": energies,
"COHP": cohp_orb.get_cohp(),
"ICOHP": cohp_orb.get_icohp(),
"efermi": cohp_orb.efermi,
plot_legend_here = plot_legend + suffix
plot_legend_here: {
"energies": energies,
"COHP": cohp_orb.get_cohp(),
"ICOHP": cohp_orb.get_icohp(),
"efermi": cohp_orb.efermi,
def add_cohps_by_lobster_label(self, analyse: Analysis, label_list: list[str], suffix: str = ""):
Add COHPs explicitly specified in label list.
:param analyse: Analyse object from lobsterpy.
:param label_list: List of COHP labels as from LOBSTER.
:param suffix: Optional addition to LOBSTER label to avoid key
conflicts when plotting multiple calcs or just for additional legend information.
complete_cohp = analyse.chemenv.completecohp
if "All" not in self._cohps:
self._cohps["All"] = {}
for label in label_list:
atom1 = complete_cohp.bonds[label]["sites"][0].species_string
atom2 = complete_cohp.bonds[label]["sites"][1].species_string
sorted_label = sorted([atom1, atom2])
cohp = complete_cohp.get_cohp_by_label(label)
energies = cohp.energies - cohp.efermi if self.zero_at_efermi else cohp.energies
key = sorted_label[0] + "-" + sorted_label[1] + ": " + label + suffix
key: {
"energies": energies,
"COHP": cohp.get_cohp(),
"ICOHP": cohp.get_icohp(),
"efermi": cohp.efermi,
def add_cohps_from_plot_data(self, plot_data_dict: dict[str, Cohp], suffix: str = ""):
Add all relevant COHPs for specified bond type from lobster lightweight json.gz file.
:param plot_data_dict: Lobsterpy plot data dict
:param suffix: Optional addition to LOBSTER label to avoid key
conflicts when plotting multiple calcs or just for additional legend information.
# convert to cohp objects
plot_data_dict = plot_data_dict.copy()
for key, cohps in plot_data_dict.items():
if isinstance(cohps, Cohp):
plot_data_dict.update({key: cohps})
cohps = Cohp.from_dict(cohps)
plot_data_dict.update({key: cohps})
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
raise ValueError(
"The data provided could not be converted to cohp object.Please recheck the input data"
if "All" not in self._cohps:
self._cohps["All"] = {}
for bond_key, cohps in plot_data_dict.items():
energies = cohps.energies - cohps.efermi if self.zero_at_efermi else cohps.energies
key = bond_key + suffix
key: {
"energies": energies,
"COHP": cohps.get_cohp(),
"ICOHP": cohps.get_icohp(),
"efermi": cohps.efermi,
def get_plot(
xlim: list[float] | None = None,
rangeslider: bool = False,
ylim: list[float] | None = None,
plot_negative: bool | None = None,
integrated: bool = False,
invert_axes: bool = True,
sigma: float | None = None,
colors: list[str] | None = None,
Get an interactive plotly figure showing the COHPs.
:param xlim: Specifies the x-axis limits. Defaults to None for
automatic determination.
:param rangeslider: Adds a plotly.graph_objs.layout.xaxis.Rangeslider
object to figure to allow easy manipulation of x-axis..
:param ylim: Specifies the y-axis limits. Defaults to None for
automatic determination.
:param plot_negative: It is common to plot -COHP(E) so that the
sign means the same for COOPs and COHPs. Defaults to None
for automatic determination - If are_coops is True, this
will be set to False, else it will be set to True.
:param integrated: Switch to plot ICOHPs. Defaults to False.
:param invert_axes: Put the energies onto the y-axis, which is
common in chemistry.
:param sigma: Standard deviation of Gaussian broadening applied to
population data. If this is unset (None) no broadening will be added.
:param colors: list of hex color codes to be used in plot
A plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
if self.are_coops and not self.are_cobis:
cohp_label = "COOP"
elif self.are_cobis and not self.are_coops:
cohp_label = "COBI"
elif self.are_cobis and self.are_coops:
raise ValueError("Plot data should not contain COBI and COOP data at same time")
cohp_label = "COHP" + " (eV)"
if plot_negative is None:
plot_negative = (not self.are_coops) and (not self.are_cobis)
if integrated:
cohp_label = "I" + cohp_label
if plot_negative:
cohp_label = "\u2212" + cohp_label
energy_label = "$E - E_f \\text{ (eV)}$" if self.zero_at_efermi else "$E \\text{ (eV)}$"
# Setting up repeating color scheme (same as for matplotlib plots in .mplstyle)
palette = InteractiveCohpPlotter.COLOR_PALETTE if colors is None else colors
pal_iter = cycle(palette)
traces = {} # type: ignore
for k, v in self._cohps.items():
traces.update({k: []})
for label in v:
population_key = v[label]["ICOHP"] if integrated else v[label]["COHP"]
band_color = next(pal_iter)
for spin in [Spin.up, Spin.down]:
if spin in population_key:
population = [-i for i in population_key[spin]] if plot_negative else population_key[spin]
if invert_axes:
x = population
y = v[label]["energies"]
x = PlainCohpPlotter._broaden(y, x, sigma=sigma)
x = v[label]["energies"]
y = population
y = PlainCohpPlotter._broaden(x, y, sigma=sigma)
if spin == Spin.up:
trace = go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, name=label)
trace = go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, name="")
trace.update(line={"color": band_color})
energy_axis = (
if invert_axes
else go.layout.XAxis(title=energy_label, rangeslider={"visible": rangeslider})
cohp_axis = (
go.layout.XAxis(title=cohp_label, rangeslider={"visible": rangeslider})
if invert_axes
else go.layout.YAxis(title=cohp_label)
layout = (
go.Layout(xaxis=cohp_axis, yaxis=energy_axis)
if invert_axes
else go.Layout(xaxis=energy_axis, yaxis=cohp_axis)
# Create figure object
fig = go.Figure(layout=layout)
# Add all traces to figure
for val_trace in traces.values():
for trace in val_trace:
# Update layout with dropdown menu if label resolved plot
if len(traces) > 2:
# Update visibility of traces
for i, _ in enumerate(fig.data):
if i <= len(traces["All"]) - 1:
fig.data[i].visible = False
# Add dropdown buttons
"buttons": [
"args": [
"visible": [
selected_group == group
for group, val_trace in traces.items()
for _trace in val_trace
"label": selected_group,
"method": "update",
for selected_group in traces
"direction": "down",
"showactive": True,
"active": 0,
"x": 0.5,
"y": 1.15,
"bgcolor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)",
"bordercolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)",
"xanchor": "center",
"yanchor": "top",
"font": {"family": "Arial", "color": "#444444", "size": 18},
if xlim:
if ylim:
return fig
def _insert_number_of_bonds_in_label(label: str, character: str, number_of_bonds: int) -> str:
Add number of bonds to bond label.
For example : for input label 'Ba1: Ba-Ti', character ':', number_of_bonds: 3,
Will return 'Ba1: 3 x Ba-Ti'
:param label: bond label to which number of bonds needs to be inserted
:param character: string character where number of bonds needs to be inserted
:param number_of_bonds: number of bonds corresponding to the label
bond label with number of bonds inserted
return label.replace(character, f"{character} {number_of_bonds} x", 1)
def _get_plot_label_for_label_resolved(
structure: Structure,
label_list: list[str],
complete_cohp: CompleteCohp,
orb_list: list[str],
label_resolved: bool = False,
orbital_resolved: bool = False,
) -> str:
Generate plot labels for both orbital and label-resolved plots.
For example for NaCl structure, label:21, orb: 3s-3s
Will return '21: Cl2-Na1 (2.85 Å)' if label_resolved is True and orbital_resolved is False
Will return '21: Cl2(3s)-Na1(3s) (2.85 Å)' If label and orbital resolved True
Will return 'Cl(3s)-Na(3s) (2.85 Å)' if orbital_resolved is True and label_resolved is False
:param structure: pymatgen structure object
:param label_list: bond label to which number of bonds needs to be inserted
:param complete_cohp: complete cohp object
:param orb_list: relevant orbital
:param label_resolved: specifies type of label to be returned is for label_resolved case
:param orbital_resolved: specifies type of label to be returned is for orbital_resolved case
plot label string
if label_resolved and not orbital_resolved:
atom_pairs = []
for site in complete_cohp.bonds[label_list[0]]["sites"]:
atom = f"{site.species_string}{structure.sites.index(site) + 1!s}"
atom_pair_str = "-".join(atom_pairs)
bond_length = round(complete_cohp.bonds[label_list[0]]["length"], 2)
plot_label = f"{label_list[0]}: {atom_pair_str} ({bond_length} \u00c5)"
elif not label_resolved and orbital_resolved:
orb_atom_pairs = []
orb_pair = orb_list[0].split("-")
for site, site_orb in zip(complete_cohp.bonds[label_list[0]]["sites"], orb_pair):
atom_orb = f"{site.species_string} ({site_orb})"
orb_atom_pairs_str = "-".join(orb_atom_pairs)
bond_length = round(complete_cohp.bonds[label_list[0]]["length"], 2)
plot_label = f"{len(label_list)}x {orb_atom_pairs_str} ({bond_length} \u00c5)"
orb_atom_pairs = []
orb_pair = orb_list[0].split("-")
for site, site_orb in zip(complete_cohp.bonds[label_list[0]]["sites"], orb_pair):
atom_orb = f"{site.species_string}{structure.sites.index(site) + 1!s} ({site_orb})"
orb_atom_pairs_str = "-".join(orb_atom_pairs)
bond_length = round(complete_cohp.bonds[label_list[0]]["length"], 2)
plot_label = f"{label_list[0]}: {orb_atom_pairs_str} ({bond_length} \u00c5)"
return plot_label
class IcohpDistancePlotter:
Plotter to generate ICOHP or ICOBI or ICOOP vs bond lengths plots.
:param are_coops: Bool indicating that populations are ICOOPs, not ICOHPs.
Defaults to False for COHPs.
:param are_cobis: Bool indicating that populations are ICOBIs, not ICOHPs.
Defaults to False for COHPs.
def __init__(self, are_coops: bool = False, are_cobis: bool = False):
"""Initialize ICOHPs or ICOBI or ICOOP vs bond lengths plotter."""
self.are_coops = are_coops
self.are_cobis = are_cobis
self._icohps = {} # type: ignore
def add_icohps(self, label: str, icohpcollection: IcohpCollection):
Add ICOHPs or ICOBIs or ICOOPS for plotting.
:param label: Label for the ICOHPs. Must be unique.
:param icohpcollection: IcohpCollection object.
icohps = []
bond_len = []
atom_pairs = []
atom_types = []
orb_data = {} # type: ignore
for indx, bond_label in enumerate(icohpcollection._list_labels):
orb_data.update({bond_label: {}})
for k, v in icohpcollection._list_orb_icohp[indx].items():
orb_data[bond_label].update({k: sum(v["icohp"].values())})
atom1 = icohpcollection._list_atom1[indx]
atom2 = icohpcollection._list_atom2[indx]
atom_pairs.append(atom1 + "-" + atom2)
atom_types.append("-".join(sorted((atom1.strip("0123456789"), atom2.strip("0123456789")))))
self._icohps[label] = {
"atom_types": atom_types,
"atom_pairs": atom_pairs,
"bond_labels": icohpcollection._list_labels,
"icohps": icohps,
"bond_lengths": bond_len,
"orb_data": orb_data,
def get_plot(
ax: mpl.axes.Axes | None = None,
alpha: float = 0.4,
marker_size: float = 50,
marker_style: str = "o",
xlim: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
ylim: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
plot_negative: bool = True,
colors: list[str] | None = None,
color_interactions: bool = False,
Get a matplotlib plot showing the COHP or COBI or COOP with respect to bond lengths.
:param ax: Existing Matplotlib Axes object to plot to.
:param alpha: sets the transparency of markers in scatter plots
:param marker_size: sets the size of markers in scatter plots
:param marker_style: sets type of marker used in plot
:param xlim: Specifies the x-axis limits. Defaults to None for
automatic determination.
:param ylim: Specifies the y-axis limits. Defaults to None for
automatic determination.
:param plot_negative: Will plot -1*ICOHPs. Works only for ICOHPs
:param colors: list of hex color codes to be used in plot
:param color_interactions: If True, will color the interactions based on atom types
A matplotlib object.
if self.are_coops and not self.are_cobis:
cohp_label = "ICOOP"
elif self.are_cobis and not self.are_coops:
cohp_label = "ICOBI"
elif self.are_cobis and self.are_coops:
raise ValueError("Plot data should not contain ICOBI and ICOOP data at same time")
cohp_label = "ICOHP (eV)"
if ax is None:
_, ax = plt.subplots()
if xlim:
if ylim:
ax.set_xlabel("Bond lengths (\u00c5)")
if color_interactions:
colors = InteractiveCohpPlotter.COLOR_PALETTE if colors is None else colors
atom_types = []
for data in self._icohps.values():
color_dict = dict(zip(atom_types, colors))
for label, data in self._icohps.items():
x = data["bond_lengths"]
if plot_negative and cohp_label == "ICOHP (eV)":
ax.set_ylabel("$-$" + cohp_label)
y = [-1 * icohp for icohp in data["icohps"]]
y = data["icohps"]
for i, pair in enumerate(data["atom_types"]):
# Filter out duplicate labels and add only unique labels to the legend
handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()
unique = {label: handle for handle, label in zip(handles, labels)}
ax.legend(unique.values(), unique.keys())
for label, data in self._icohps.items():
x = data["bond_lengths"]
if plot_negative and cohp_label == "ICOHP (eV)":
ax.set_ylabel("$-$" + cohp_label)
y = [-1 * icohp for icohp in data["icohps"]]
y = data["icohps"]
ax.scatter(x, y, s=marker_size, marker=marker_style, label=label)
return plt