Source code for lobsterpy.structuregraph.graph

# Copyright (c) lobsterpy development team
# Distributed under the terms of a BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

"""This module provides a class for generating graph objects using lobsterpy data."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from pathlib import Path

from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from import LobsterNeighbors
from import Charge

from lobsterpy.cohp.analyze import Analysis

[docs] class LobsterGraph: """ Class to generate structure graph objects with bonding data from Lobster. Mode of automatic bonding analysis can be `cation-anion` or `all` bonds. The strongest bond is determined based on the ICOHPs. The coordination environments are determined based on `cutoff_icohp * ICOHPs` values. If the path of ICOBILIST (ICOOPLIST) is provided, the ICOBI (ICOOP) values corresponding to relevant bond labels obtained from the ICOHPLIST are also added as edge properties to the structure graph objects. The Mulliken and Loewdin charges are added as node properties to the structure graph objects. Attributes: sg: return structure_graph object :param path_to_poscar: path to POSCAR (e.g., "POSCAR"). :param path_to_charge: path to CHARGE.lobster (e.g., "CHARGE.lobster"). :param path_to_cohpcar: path to COHPCAR.lobster (e.g., "COHPCAR.lobster"). :param path_to_icohplist: path to ICOHPLIST.lobster (e.g., "ICOHPLIST.lobster"). :param path_to_icooplist: path to ICOOPLIST.lobster (e.g., "ICOOPLIST.lobster"). :param path_to_icobilist: path to ICOBILIST.lobster (e.g., "ICOBILIST.lobster"). :param path_to_madelung: path to MadelungEnergies.lobster (e.g., "MadelungEnergies.lobster") :param cutoff_icohp: only bonds that are stronger than cutoff_icohp * strongest ICOHP will be considered. :param noise_cutoff: if provided hardcodes the lower limit of icohps considered. :param add_additional_data_sg: if True will add the information from ICOOPLIST.lobster and ICOBILIST.lobster based on ICOHPLIST.lobster relevant bond. :param which_bonds: selects which kind of bonds are analyzed. "all" is the default. :param start: start energy for bonding antibonding percent integration. """ def __init__( self, path_to_poscar: str | Path, path_to_charge: str | Path, path_to_cohpcar: str | Path, path_to_icohplist: str | Path, path_to_madelung: str | Path, add_additional_data_sg: bool = True, path_to_icooplist: str | Path | None = None, path_to_icobilist: str | Path | None = None, which_bonds: str = "all", cutoff_icohp: float = 0.10, noise_cutoff: float = 0.1, start: float | None = None, ): """Initialize and return a structure graph object.""" if add_additional_data_sg: self.add_additional_data_sg = add_additional_data_sg if path_to_icooplist is not None and path_to_icobilist is not None: self.path_to_icooplist = path_to_icooplist self.path_to_icobilist = path_to_icobilist else: raise ValueError( "add_additional_data_sg is set to True.Please provide path_to_icooplist and path_to_icobilist" ) else: self.add_additional_data_sg = add_additional_data_sg # type: ignore self.path_to_poscar = path_to_poscar self.path_to_charge = path_to_charge self.path_to_cohpcar = path_to_cohpcar self.path_to_icohplist = path_to_icohplist self.path_to_madelung = path_to_madelung self.which_bonds = which_bonds self.cutoff_icohp = cutoff_icohp self.noise_cutoff = noise_cutoff if self.which_bonds == "all": self.additional_condition = 0 elif self.which_bonds == "cation-anion": self.additional_condition = 1 else: raise ValueError( "Only accepted values are 'all' and 'cation-anion'.Please check the input parameters of which_bonds arg" ) self.start = start = self.get_decorated_sg()
[docs] def get_decorated_sg(self): """ Create a graph object decorated with bonding data from LobsterPy. Returns: structure graph object """ if self.add_additional_data_sg: chemenvlobster = LobsterNeighbors( are_coops=False, filename_icohp=self.path_to_icohplist, perc_strength_icohp=self.cutoff_icohp, structure=Structure.from_file(self.path_to_poscar), additional_condition=self.additional_condition, filename_charge=self.path_to_charge, add_additional_data_sg=self.add_additional_data_sg, filename_blist_sg1=self.path_to_icobilist, id_blist_sg1="ICOBI", filename_blist_sg2=self.path_to_icooplist, id_blist_sg2="ICOOP", valences_from_charges=True, adapt_extremum_to_add_cond=True, noise_cutoff=self.noise_cutoff, ) else: chemenvlobster = LobsterNeighbors( are_coops=False, filename_icohp=self.path_to_icohplist, perc_strength_icohp=self.cutoff_icohp, structure=Structure.from_file(self.path_to_poscar), additional_condition=self.additional_condition, filename_charge=self.path_to_charge, add_additional_data_sg=self.add_additional_data_sg, valences_from_charges=True, adapt_extremum_to_add_cond=True, noise_cutoff=self.noise_cutoff, ) # Adds Mulliken and Löwdin charges as site properties to structure object (node properties) decorated_structure = Charge(self.path_to_charge).get_structure_with_charges(self.path_to_poscar) # Create the structure graph object decorated with site and edge properties based on ICOHP/ICOBI/ICOOP data lobster_env = chemenvlobster.get_bonded_structure( structure=decorated_structure, decorate=True, edge_properties=True ) # Initialize automating bonding analysis from Lobsterpy based on ICOHP analyze = Analysis( path_to_charge=self.path_to_charge, path_to_cohpcar=self.path_to_cohpcar, path_to_poscar=self.path_to_poscar, path_to_icohplist=self.path_to_icohplist, path_to_madelung=self.path_to_madelung, which_bonds=self.which_bonds, cutoff_icohp=self.cutoff_icohp, ) # Store the summarized dictionary object containing bonding information cba = analyze.condensed_bonding_analysis # Iterate over sites in the dictionary for cba_data in cba["sites"].values(): for _, node_data in # Check if ions are same and add its corresponding environment in node properties if cba_data["ion"] == node_data["specie"]: node_data["properties"].update({"env": cba_data["env"]}) for edge_prop in # Iterate over structure graph edges _ab, ab_p, _b, b_p = analyze._integrate_antbdstates_below_efermi( cohp=analyze.chemenv.completecohp.get_cohp_by_label(edge_prop[2]["bond_label"]), start=self.start, ) # Compute bonding- antibonding percentages for each bond in structure graph object edge_prop[2]["ICOHP_bonding_perc"] = b_p # Store bonding percentage in edge of graph object edge_prop[2]["ICOHP_antibonding_perc"] = ab_p # Store anti-bonding percentage in edge graph object return lobster_env