Source code for lobsterpy.featurize.core

# Copyright (c) lobsterpy development team
# Distributed under the terms of a BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

"""This module defines classes to featurize Lobster data ready to be used for ML studies."""

from __future__ import annotations

import gzip
import json
import warnings
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

    from mendeleev import element
except ImportError:
    element = None
from import requires
from numpy import ndarray
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.cohp import CompleteCohp
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Spin
from import Charge, Doscar, Icohplist, MadelungEnergies
from scipy.integrate import trapezoid
from scipy.signal import hilbert
from scipy.stats import kurtosis, skew, wasserstein_distance

from lobsterpy.cohp.analyze import Analysis
from lobsterpy.featurize.utils import CoxxFingerprint, get_file_paths


[docs] class FeaturizeLobsterpy: """ Class to featurize lobsterpy data. :param path_to_lobster_calc: path to parent directory containing lobster calc outputs :param path_to_json: path to lobster lightweight json :param bonds: "all" or "cation-anion" bonds :param orbital_resolved: bool indicating whether LobsterPy analysis is performed orbital wise :param analysis_kwargs: optional keyword arguments to be passed to the Analysis class """ def __init__( self, path_to_lobster_calc: str | Path | None = None, path_to_json: str | Path | None = None, orbital_resolved: bool = False, bonds: Literal["cation-anion", "all"] = "all", **analysis_kwargs, ): """Initialize featurizer.""" self.path_to_json = path_to_json self.path_to_lobster_calc = path_to_lobster_calc self.orbital_resolved = orbital_resolved self.bonds = bonds self.analysis_kwargs = analysis_kwargs
[docs] def get_df(self, ids: str | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Featurize LobsterPy condensed bonding analysis data. :param ids: set index name in the pandas dataframe. Default is None. When None, LOBSTER calc directory name is used as index name. Returns: Returns a pandas dataframe with lobsterpy icohp statistics """ if self.path_to_json and not self.path_to_lobster_calc: # read the lightweight lobster json files using read_lobster_lightweight_json method data = FeaturizeLobsterpy.read_lobster_lightweight_json(path_to_json=self.path_to_json) if not ids: ids = Path(self.path_to_json).name.split(".")[0] elif self.path_to_lobster_calc and not self.path_to_json: # get lobsterpy condensed bonding analysis data using get_lobsterpy_cba_dict method data = FeaturizeLobsterpy.get_lobsterpy_cba_dict( path_to_lobster_calc=self.path_to_lobster_calc, bonds=self.bonds, orbital_resolved=self.orbital_resolved, **self.analysis_kwargs, ) if not ids: ids = Path(self.path_to_lobster_calc).name else: raise ValueError("Please provide either path to lightweight lobster jsons or path to lobster calc") # define a pandas dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids]) icohp_mean = [] icohp_sum = [] icohp_mean_orb_bndg = [] icohp_sum_orb_bndg = [] icohp_mean_orb_antibndg = [] icohp_sum_orb_antibndg = [] bond_orb = [] antibond_orb = [] bond = [] antibond = [] # extract lobsterpy icohp related data for bond type specified # Results will differ for "all" and "cation-anion" mode. # In "all" bonds mode, the bonds will come up twice, also # cation-cation, anion-anion bonds will also be considered if self.bonds == "all": bond_type = "all_bonds" elif self.bonds == "cation-anion": bond_type = "cation_anion_bonds" if bond_type == "cation_anion_bonds" and ( not data[bond_type] or not data[bond_type]["lobsterpy_data"] or not data[bond_type]["lobsterpy_data"]["sites"] ): raise Exception(f"No {self.bonds} bonds detected for {ids} structure. Please switch to `all` bonds mode") if data[bond_type]["lobsterpy_data"]: for site_data in data[bond_type]["lobsterpy_data"]["sites"].values(): if site_data["bonds"]: for bond_data in site_data["bonds"].values(): icohp_mean.append(float(bond_data["ICOHP_mean"])) icohp_sum.append(float(bond_data["ICOHP_sum"])) bond.append(bond_data["bonding"]["perc"]) antibond.append(bond_data["antibonding"]["perc"]) if self.orbital_resolved: if ( bond_data["orbital_data"]["orbital_summary_stats"] and "max_bonding_contribution" in bond_data["orbital_data"]["orbital_summary_stats"] ): for orb_pair in bond_data["orbital_data"]["orbital_summary_stats"][ "max_bonding_contribution" ]: icohp_mean_orb_bndg.append(bond_data["orbital_data"][orb_pair]["ICOHP_mean"]) icohp_sum_orb_bndg.append(bond_data["orbital_data"][orb_pair]["ICOHP_sum"]) bond_orb.append( bond_data["orbital_data"][orb_pair]["orb_contribution_perc_bonding"] ) if ( bond_data["orbital_data"]["orbital_summary_stats"] and "max_antibonding_contribution" in bond_data["orbital_data"]["orbital_summary_stats"] ): for orb_pair in bond_data["orbital_data"]["orbital_summary_stats"][ "max_antibonding_contribution" ]: icohp_mean_orb_antibndg.append(bond_data["orbital_data"][orb_pair]["ICOHP_mean"]) icohp_sum_orb_antibndg.append(bond_data["orbital_data"][orb_pair]["ICOHP_sum"]) antibond_orb.append( bond_data["orbital_data"][orb_pair]["orb_contribution_perc_antibonding"] ) # add ICOHP stats data (mean, min, max, standard deviation) as columns to the dataframe df.loc[ids, "Icohp_mean_avg"] = 0 if len(icohp_mean) == 0 else np.mean(icohp_mean) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_mean_max"] = 0 if len(icohp_mean) == 0 else np.max(icohp_mean) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_mean_min"] = 0 if len(icohp_mean) == 0 else np.min(icohp_mean) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_mean_std"] = 0 if len(icohp_mean) == 0 else np.std(icohp_mean) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_sum_avg"] = 0 if len(icohp_sum) == 0 else np.mean(icohp_sum) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_sum_max"] = 0 if len(icohp_sum) == 0 else np.max(icohp_sum) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_sum_min"] = 0 if len(icohp_sum) == 0 else np.min(icohp_sum) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_sum_std"] = 0 if len(icohp_sum) == 0 else np.std(icohp_sum) df.loc[ids, "bonding_perc_avg"] = 0 if len(bond) == 0 else np.mean(bond) df.loc[ids, "bonding_perc_max"] = 0 if len(bond) == 0 else np.max(bond) df.loc[ids, "bonding_perc_min"] = 0 if len(bond) == 0 else np.min(bond) df.loc[ids, "bonding_perc_std"] = 0 if len(bond) == 0 else np.std(bond) df.loc[ids, "antibonding_perc_avg"] = 0 if len(antibond) == 0 else np.mean(antibond) df.loc[ids, "antibonding_perc_min"] = 0 if len(antibond) == 0 else np.min(antibond) df.loc[ids, "antibonding_perc_max"] = 0 if len(antibond) == 0 else np.max(antibond) df.loc[ids, "antibonding_perc_std"] = 0 if len(antibond) == 0 else np.std(antibond) if self.orbital_resolved: # bonding orbital df.loc[ids, "Icohp_bndg_orb_mean_avg"] = ( 0 if len(icohp_mean_orb_bndg) == 0 else np.mean(icohp_mean_orb_bndg) ) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_bndg_orb_mean_max"] = 0 if len(icohp_mean_orb_bndg) == 0 else np.max(icohp_mean_orb_bndg) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_bndg_orb_mean_min"] = 0 if len(icohp_mean_orb_bndg) == 0 else np.min(icohp_mean_orb_bndg) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_bndg_orb_mean_std"] = 0 if len(icohp_mean_orb_bndg) == 0 else np.std(icohp_mean_orb_bndg) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_bndg_orb_sum_avg"] = 0 if len(icohp_sum_orb_bndg) == 0 else np.mean(icohp_sum_orb_bndg) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_bndg_orb_sum_max"] = 0 if len(icohp_sum_orb_bndg) == 0 else np.max(icohp_sum_orb_bndg) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_bndg_orb_sum_min"] = 0 if len(icohp_sum_orb_bndg) == 0 else np.min(icohp_sum_orb_bndg) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_bndg_orb_sum_std"] = 0 if len(icohp_sum_orb_bndg) == 0 else np.std(icohp_sum_orb_bndg) df.loc[ids, "bonding_orb_perc_avg"] = 0 if len(bond_orb) == 0 else np.mean(bond_orb) df.loc[ids, "bonding_orb_perc_max"] = 0 if len(bond_orb) == 0 else np.max(bond_orb) df.loc[ids, "bonding_orb_perc_min"] = 0 if len(bond_orb) == 0 else np.min(bond_orb) df.loc[ids, "bonding_orb_perc_std"] = 0 if len(bond_orb) == 0 else np.std(bond_orb) # anti-bonding orbital df.loc[ids, "Icohp_antibndg_orb_mean_avg"] = ( 0 if len(icohp_mean_orb_antibndg) == 0 else np.mean(icohp_mean_orb_antibndg) ) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_antibndg_orb_mean_max"] = ( 0 if len(icohp_mean_orb_antibndg) == 0 else np.max(icohp_mean_orb_antibndg) ) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_antibndg_orb_mean_min"] = ( 0 if len(icohp_mean_orb_antibndg) == 0 else np.min(icohp_mean_orb_antibndg) ) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_antibndg_orb_mean_std"] = ( 0 if len(icohp_mean_orb_antibndg) == 0 else np.std(icohp_mean_orb_antibndg) ) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_antibndg_orb_sum_avg"] = ( 0 if len(icohp_sum_orb_antibndg) == 0 else np.mean(icohp_sum_orb_antibndg) ) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_antibndg_orb_sum_max"] = ( 0 if len(icohp_sum_orb_antibndg) == 0 else np.max(icohp_sum_orb_antibndg) ) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_antibndg_orb_sum_min"] = ( 0 if len(icohp_sum_orb_antibndg) == 0 else np.min(icohp_sum_orb_antibndg) ) df.loc[ids, "Icohp_antibndg_orb_sum_std"] = ( 0 if len(icohp_sum_orb_antibndg) == 0 else np.std(icohp_sum_orb_antibndg) ) df.loc[ids, "antibonding_orb_perc_avg"] = 0 if len(antibond_orb) == 0 else np.mean(antibond_orb) df.loc[ids, "antibonding_orb_perc_max"] = 0 if len(antibond_orb) == 0 else np.max(antibond_orb) df.loc[ids, "antibonding_orb_perc_min"] = 0 if len(antibond_orb) == 0 else np.min(antibond_orb) df.loc[ids, "antibonding_orb_perc_std"] = 0 if len(antibond_orb) == 0 else np.std(antibond_orb) # add madelung energies for the structure df.loc[ids, "Madelung_Mull"] = data["madelung_energies"]["Mulliken"] df.loc[ids, "Madelung_Loew"] = data["madelung_energies"]["Loewdin"] return df
[docs] @staticmethod def read_lobster_lightweight_json(path_to_json: str | Path) -> dict: """ Read the lightweight JSON.gz files and return a Python dictionary object. :param path_to_json: path to lobsterpy lightweight json file Returns: Returns a dictionary with lobster summarized bonding analysis data """ with, "rb") as f: data = json.loads("utf-8")) lobster_data = {} for item in data: for key in item: # check applicable only for updated cba jsons from atomate2 try: if (key == "cation_anion_bonds" or key == "all_bonds") and ( "sites" in item[key]["lobsterpy_data"]["sites"] ): item[key]["lobsterpy_data"]["sites"] = item[key]["lobsterpy_data"]["sites"]["sites"] except KeyError: pass lobster_data.update(item) return lobster_data
[docs] @staticmethod def get_lobsterpy_cba_dict( path_to_lobster_calc: str | Path, bonds: str, orbital_resolved: bool, **analysis_kwargs ) -> dict: """ Generate a Python dictionary object using the Analysis class with condensed bonding analysis data. :param path_to_lobster_calc: path to lobsterpy lightweight json file :param bonds: "all" or "cation-anion" bonds :param orbital_resolved: bool indicating whether analysis is performed orbital wise :param analysis_kwargs: optional keyword arguments to be passed to the Analysis class Returns: Returns a dictionary with lobster summarized bonding analysis data """ file_paths = get_file_paths( path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["structure", "cohpcar", "icohplist", "charge"] ) which_bonds = bonds.replace("-", "_") bond_type = f"{which_bonds}_bonds" try: analyse = Analysis( path_to_poscar=str(file_paths.get("structure")), path_to_icohplist=str(file_paths.get("icohplist")), path_to_cohpcar=str(file_paths.get("cohpcar")), path_to_charge=str(file_paths.get("charge")), which_bonds=which_bonds, orbital_resolved=orbital_resolved, cutoff_icohp=analysis_kwargs.get("cutoff_icohp", 0.10), noise_cutoff=analysis_kwargs.get("noise_cutoff", 0.1), summed_spins=analysis_kwargs.get("summed_spins", False), ) data = {bond_type: {"lobsterpy_data": analyse.condensed_bonding_analysis}} except ValueError: data = {bond_type: {"lobsterpy_data": {}}} try: madelung_path = get_file_paths(path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["madelung"]) madelung_obj = MadelungEnergies(filename=str(madelung_path.get("madelung"))) madelung_energies = { "Mulliken": madelung_obj.madelungenergies_Mulliken, "Loewdin": madelung_obj.madelungenergies_Loewdin, "Ewald_splitting": madelung_obj.ewald_splitting, } data["madelung_energies"] = madelung_energies except Exception: warnings.warn( "MadelungEnergies.lobster file not found in Lobster calc directory provided" " Will set Madelung Energies for crystal structure values to NaN", stacklevel=2, ) madelung_energies = { "Mulliken": np.nan, "Loewdin": np.nan, "Ewald_splitting": np.nan, } data["madelung_energies"] = madelung_energies return data
[docs] class FeaturizeCOXX: """ Class to featurize COHPCAR, COBICAR or COOPCAR data. :param path_to_coxxcar: path to COXXCAR.lobster (e.g., `COXXCAR.lobster`) :param path_to_icoxxlist: path to ICOXXLIST.lobster (e.g., `ICOXXLIST.lobster`) :param path_to_structure: path to structure file (e.g., `CONTCAR` (preferred), `POSCAR`) :param feature_type: set the feature type for moment features and fingerprints. Possible options are `bonding`, `antibonding` or `overall`. :param are_cobis: bool indicating if file contains COBI/ICOBI data. :param are_coops: bool indicating if file contains COOP/ICOOP data. :param e_range: range of energy relative to fermi for which moment features needs to be computed """ def __init__( self, path_to_coxxcar: str | Path, path_to_icoxxlist: str | Path, path_to_structure: str | Path, feature_type: Literal["bonding", "antibonding", "overall"], e_range: list[float] = [-10.0, 0.0], are_cobis: bool = False, are_coops: bool = False, ): """ Featurize COHPCAR, COBICAR or COOPCAR data. :param path_to_coxxcar: path to COXXCAR.lobster (e.g., `COXXCAR.lobster`) :param path_to_icoxxlist: path to ICOXXLIST.lobster (e.g., `ICOXXLIST.lobster`) :param path_to_structure: path to structure file (e.g., `CONTCAR` (preferred), `POSCAR`) :param feature_type: set the feature type for moment features and fingerprints. Possible options are `bonding`, `antibonding` or `overall`. :param are_cobis: bool indicating if file contains COBI/ICOBI data :param are_coops: bool indicating if file contains COOP/ICOOP data :param e_range: range of energy relative to fermi for which moment features needs to be computed """ self.path_to_coxxcar = path_to_coxxcar self.path_to_icoxxlist = path_to_icoxxlist self.path_to_structure = path_to_structure self.feature_type = feature_type self.e_range = e_range self.are_cobis = are_cobis self.are_coops = are_coops self.icoxxlist = Icohplist( filename=self.path_to_icoxxlist, are_cobis=self.are_cobis, are_coops=self.are_coops, ) self.completecoxx = CompleteCohp.from_file( fmt="LOBSTER", filename=self.path_to_coxxcar, structure_file=self.path_to_structure, are_cobis=self.are_cobis, are_coops=self.are_coops, )
[docs] def get_coxx_fingerprint_df( self, ids: str | None = None, label_list: list[str] | None = None, orbital: str | None = None, per_bond: bool = True, spin_type: Literal["up", "down", "summed"] = "summed", binning: bool = True, n_bins: int = 56, normalize: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generate a COXX fingerprints dataframe. :param ids: set index name in the pandas dataframe. Default is None. When None, LOBSTER calc directory name is used as index name. :param spin_type: Specify spin type. Can accept '{summed/up/down}' (default is summed) :param binning: If true coxxs will be binned :param n_bins: Number of bins to be used in the fingerprint (default is 256) :param normalize: If true, normalizes the area under fp to equal to 1 (default is True) :param label_list: Specify bond labels as a list for which cohp fingerprints are needed :param orbital: Orbital for which fingerprint needs is to be computed. Cannot be used independently. Always a needs label_list. :param per_bond: Will scale cohp values by number of bonds i.e. length of label_list arg (Only affects when label_list is not None) Raises: Exception: If spin_type is not one of the accepted values {summed/up/down}. ValueError: If feature_type is not one of the accepted values {bonding/antibonding/overall}. Returns: A pandas dataframe with the COXX fingerprint of format (energies, coxx, fp_type, spin_type, n_bins, bin_width) """ coxxcar_obj = self.completecoxx energies = coxxcar_obj.energies - coxxcar_obj.efermi min_e = self.e_range[0] max_e = self.e_range[-1] if max_e is None: max_e = np.max(energies) if min_e is None: min_e = np.min(energies) if label_list is not None: divisor = len(label_list) if per_bond else 1 if label_list is not None and orbital is None: coxxcar_obj = coxxcar_obj.get_summed_cohp_by_label_list(label_list, divisor=divisor).get_cohp() elif label_list and orbital: coxxcar_obj = coxxcar_obj.get_summed_cohp_by_label_and_orbital_list( label_list=label_list, orbital_list=[orbital] * len(label_list), divisor=divisor, ).get_cohp() else: coxxcar_obj = coxxcar_obj.get_cohp() if spin_type == "up": coxx_all = coxxcar_obj[Spin.up] elif spin_type == "down": if Spin.down in coxxcar_obj: coxx_all = coxxcar_obj[Spin.down] else: raise ValueError("LOBSTER calculation is non-spin polarized. Please switch spin_type to `up`") elif spin_type == "summed": if Spin.down in coxxcar_obj: coxx_all = coxxcar_obj[Spin.up] + coxxcar_obj[Spin.down] else: coxx_all = coxxcar_obj[Spin.up] else: raise Exception("Check the spin_type argument.Possible options are summed/up/down") coxx_dict = {} tol = 1e-6 if not self.are_cobis and not self.are_coops: coxx_dict["bonding"] = np.array([scohp if scohp <= tol else 0 for scohp in coxx_all]) coxx_dict["antibonding"] = np.array([scohp if scohp >= tol else 0 for scohp in coxx_all]) else: coxx_dict["antibonding"] = np.array([scohp if scohp <= tol else 0 for scohp in coxx_all]) coxx_dict["bonding"] = np.array([scohp if scohp >= tol else 0 for scohp in coxx_all]) coxx_dict["overall"] = coxx_all try: if ids: df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids], columns=["COXX_FP"]) else: ids = Path(self.path_to_coxxcar) df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids], columns=["COXX_FP"]) coxxs = coxx_dict[self.feature_type] if len(energies) < n_bins: inds = np.where((energies >= min_e - tol) & (energies <= max_e + tol)) fp = CoxxFingerprint( energies[inds], coxxs[inds], self.feature_type, spin_type, len(energies), np.diff(energies)[0], ) df.loc[ids, "COXX_FP"] = fp return df if binning: ener_bounds = np.linspace(min_e, max_e, n_bins + 1) ener = ener_bounds[:-1] + (ener_bounds[1] - ener_bounds[0]) / 2.0 bin_width = np.diff(ener)[0] else: ener_bounds = np.array(energies) ener = np.append(energies, [energies[-1] + np.abs(energies[-1]) / 10]) n_bins = len(energies) bin_width = np.diff(energies)[0] coxx_rebin = np.zeros(ener.shape) for ii, e1, e2 in zip(range(len(ener)), ener_bounds[0:-1], ener_bounds[1:]): inds = np.where((energies >= e1) & (energies < e2)) coxx_rebin[ii] = np.sum(coxxs[inds]) if normalize: # scale DOS bins to make area under histogram equal 1 area = np.sum([abs(coxx) * bin_width for coxx in coxx_rebin]) coxx_rebin_sc = coxx_rebin / area else: coxx_rebin_sc = coxx_rebin fp = CoxxFingerprint( np.array([ener]), coxx_rebin_sc, self.feature_type, spin_type, n_bins, bin_width, ) df.loc[ids, "COXX_FP"] = fp return df except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Please recheck fingerprint type requested argument. Possible options are bonding/antibonding/overall" )
def _calculate_wicoxx_ein(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: r""" Calculate weighted ICOXX (xx ==hp,op,bi) and EIN of crystal structure based on work by Nelson et al. More details can be found here: \\[\bar{COHP}(E) = \\sum_{i} \\left( w_{i} \\cdot COHP_{i}(E) \right)\\] where: - \\(w_{i} = \frac{ICOHP_{i}}{ICOHP_{\text{total}}}\\) \\[EIN = \frac{{ICOHP_{\text{{total}}}}}{{\\overline{ICOHP}}} \\cdot \frac{2}{{N_{\text{{Atoms}}}}}\\] where: - \\(\\overline{ICOHP}\\) represents the average ICOHP value. - \\(ICOHP_{\text{{total}}}\\) is the total ICOHP value. - \\(N_{\text{{Atoms}}}\\) is the number of atoms in the system. Returns: Percent bonding, Percent anti-bonding, weighted icoxx, effective interaction number """ list_labels = list(self.icoxxlist.icohplist.keys()) # Compute sum of icohps icoxx_total = self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection.get_summed_icohp_by_label_list(list_labels) summed_weighted_coxx = [] for lab in list_labels: for cohp in self.completecoxx.get_cohp_by_label(f"{lab}", summed_spin_channels=True).cohp.values(): coxx = cohp icoxx = self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection.get_icohp_by_label(lab, summed_spin_channels=True) # calculate the weights based on icohp contri to total icohp of the structure try: weight = icoxx / icoxx_total except ZeroDivisionError: weight = 0 weighted_coxx = weight * coxx summed_weighted_coxx.append(weighted_coxx) summed = np.sum(summed_weighted_coxx, axis=0) # below fermi indices = self.completecoxx.energies <= self.completecoxx.efermi en_bf = self.completecoxx.energies[indices] coxx_bf = summed[indices] w_icoxx = trapezoid(coxx_bf, en_bf) ein = (icoxx_total / w_icoxx) * (2 / self.completecoxx.structure.num_sites) # calc effective interaction number # percent bonding-anitbonding tol = 1e-6 if not self.icoxxlist.are_cobis and not self.icoxxlist.are_coops: bonding_indices = coxx_bf <= tol antibonding_indices = coxx_bf >= tol bnd = abs(trapezoid(en_bf[bonding_indices], coxx_bf[bonding_indices])) antibnd = abs(trapezoid(en_bf[antibonding_indices], coxx_bf[antibonding_indices])) per_bnd = (bnd / (bnd + antibnd)) * 100 per_antibnd = (antibnd / (bnd + antibnd)) * 100 elif self.icoxxlist.are_cobis or self.icoxxlist.are_coops: bonding_indices = coxx_bf >= tol antibonding_indices = coxx_bf <= tol bnd = abs(trapezoid(coxx_bf[bonding_indices], en_bf[bonding_indices])) antibnd = abs(trapezoid(coxx_bf[antibonding_indices], en_bf[antibonding_indices])) per_bnd = (bnd / (bnd + antibnd)) * 100 per_antibnd = (antibnd / (bnd + antibnd)) * 100 return per_bnd, per_antibnd, w_icoxx, ein @staticmethod def _calc_moment_features( complete_coxx_obj: CompleteCohp, feature_type: Literal["bonding", "antibonding", "overall"], e_range: list[float], label_list: list[str] | None = None, orbital: str | None = None, per_bond: bool = True, ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, float]: """ Calculate band center,width, skewness, and kurtosis of the COXX. :param complete_coxx_obj: CompleteCohp object :param feature_type: feature type for moment features calculation :param e_range: range of energy relative to fermi for which moment features needs to be computed :param label_list: List of bond labels :param orbital: orbital for which moment features need to be calculated. Cannot be used independently. Always needs a label_list. :param per_bond: Will scale cohp values by number of bonds i.e. length of label_list arg (Only affects when label_list is not None) Returns: coxx center, width, skewness, kurtosis, and edge in eV """ if label_list is not None: divisor = len(label_list) if per_bond else 1 if label_list and orbital is None: coxxcar = complete_coxx_obj.get_summed_cohp_by_label_list(label_list, divisor=divisor).get_cohp() elif label_list and orbital: coxxcar = complete_coxx_obj.get_summed_cohp_by_label_and_orbital_list( label_list=label_list, orbital_list=[orbital] * len(label_list), divisor=divisor, summed_spin_channels=False, ).get_cohp() else: coxxcar = complete_coxx_obj.get_cohp() coxx_all = coxxcar[Spin.up] + coxxcar[Spin.down] if Spin.down in coxxcar else coxxcar[Spin.up] energies = complete_coxx_obj.energies - complete_coxx_obj.efermi coxx_dict = {} tol = 1e-6 if not complete_coxx_obj.are_cobis and not complete_coxx_obj.are_coops: coxx_dict["bonding"] = np.array([scohp if scohp <= tol else 0 for scohp in coxx_all]) coxx_dict["antibonding"] = np.array([scohp if scohp >= tol else 0 for scohp in coxx_all]) coxx_dict["overall"] = coxx_all else: coxx_dict["antibonding"] = np.array([scohp if scohp <= tol else 0 for scohp in coxx_all]) coxx_dict["bonding"] = np.array([scohp if scohp >= tol else 0 for scohp in coxx_all]) coxx_dict["overall"] = coxx_all try: coxx_center = FeaturizeCOXX.get_coxx_center( coxx=coxx_dict[feature_type], energies=energies, e_range=e_range, ) coxx_width = np.sqrt( FeaturizeCOXX.get_n_moment( n=2, coxx=coxx_dict[feature_type], energies=energies, e_range=e_range, ) ) coxx_skew = FeaturizeCOXX.get_n_moment( n=3, coxx=coxx_dict[feature_type], energies=energies, e_range=e_range, ) / FeaturizeCOXX.get_n_moment( n=2, coxx=coxx_dict[feature_type], energies=energies, e_range=e_range, ) ** (3 / 2) coxx_kurt = ( FeaturizeCOXX.get_n_moment( n=4, coxx=coxx_dict[feature_type], energies=energies, e_range=e_range, ) / FeaturizeCOXX.get_n_moment( n=2, coxx=coxx_dict[feature_type], energies=energies, e_range=e_range, ) ** 2 ) coxx_edge = FeaturizeCOXX.get_cohp_edge(coxx=coxx_dict[feature_type], energies=energies, e_range=e_range) except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Please recheck feature type requested argument. Possible options are bonding/antibonding/overall" ) return coxx_center, coxx_width, coxx_skew, coxx_kurt, coxx_edge
[docs] @staticmethod def get_coxx_center( coxx: ndarray[np.floating], energies: ndarray[np.floating], e_range: list[float], ) -> float: """ Get the bandwidth, defined as the first moment of the COXX. :param coxx: COXX array :param energies: energies corresponding COXX :param e_range: range of energy to compute coxx center Returns: coxx center in eV """ return FeaturizeCOXX.get_n_moment(n=1, coxx=coxx, energies=energies, e_range=e_range, center=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_n_moment( n: float, coxx: ndarray[np.floating], energies: ndarray[np.floating], e_range: list[float] | None, center: bool = True, ) -> float: """ Get the nth moment of COXX. :param n: The order for the moment :param coxx: COXX array :param energies: energies array :param e_range: range of energy to compute nth moment :param center: Take moments with respect to the COXX center :param e_range: range of energy to compute nth moment Returns: COXX nth moment in eV """ if e_range: min_e = e_range[0] max_e = e_range[1] if min_e is None: min_e = min(energies) if max_e is None: max_e = max(energies) else: min_e = min(energies) max_e = max(energies) tol = 1e-6 mask = (energies >= min_e - tol) & (energies <= max_e + tol) coxx = coxx[mask] energies = energies[mask] if center: coxx_center = FeaturizeCOXX.get_coxx_center(coxx=coxx, energies=energies, e_range=[min_e, max_e]) p = energies - coxx_center else: p = energies return np.trapz(p**n * coxx, x=energies) / np.trapz(coxx, x=energies)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_cohp_edge( coxx: ndarray[np.floating], energies: ndarray[np.floating], e_range: list[float] | None, ): """ Get the highest peak position of hilbert transformed COXX. :param coxx: COXX array :param energies: energies array :param e_range: range of energy to coxx edge (max peak position) Returns: COXX edge (max peak position) in eV """ if e_range: min_e = e_range[0] max_e = e_range[1] if min_e is None: min_e = min(energies) if max_e is None: max_e = max(energies) else: min_e = min(energies) max_e = max(energies) tol = 1e-6 mask = (energies >= min_e - tol) & (energies <= max_e + tol) coxx = coxx[mask] energies = energies[mask] coxx_transformed = np.imag(hilbert(coxx)) return energies[np.argmax(coxx_transformed)]
[docs] def get_summarized_coxx_df( self, ids: str | None = None, label_list: list[str] | None = None, per_bond: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get a pandas dataframe with COXX features. Features consist of weighted ICOXX, effective interaction number and moment features of COXX in the selected energy range. :param ids: set index name in the pandas dataframe. Default is None. When None, LOBSTER calc directory name is used as index name. :param label_list: list of bond labels to be used for generating features from COHPCAR.lobster or COOPCAR.lobster or COBICAR.lobster. Default is None. When None, all bond labels are used. :param per_bond: Defaults to True. When True, features are normalized by total number of bonds in the structure. Returns: Returns a pandas dataframe with cohp/cobi/coop related features as per input file """ if ids: df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids]) else: ids = Path(self.path_to_coxxcar) df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids]) ( per_bnd_xx, per_antibnd_xx, w_icoxx, ein_xx, ) = self._calculate_wicoxx_ein() if self.are_cobis: type_pop = "COBI" elif self.are_coops: type_pop = "COOP" else: type_pop = "COHP" cc, cw, cs, ck, ce = FeaturizeCOXX._calc_moment_features( complete_coxx_obj=self.completecoxx, label_list=label_list, per_bond=per_bond, feature_type=self.feature_type, e_range=self.e_range, orbital=None, ) df.loc[ids, f"bnd_wI{type_pop}"] = per_bnd_xx df.loc[ids, f"antibnd_wI{type_pop}"] = per_antibnd_xx df.loc[ids, f"w_I{type_pop}"] = w_icoxx df.loc[ids, f"EIN_I{type_pop}"] = ein_xx df.loc[ids, f"center_{type_pop}"] = cc df.loc[ids, f"width_{type_pop}"] = cw df.loc[ids, f"skewness_{type_pop}"] = cs df.loc[ids, f"kurtosis_{type_pop}"] = ck df.loc[ids, f"edge_{type_pop}"] = ce return df
[docs] @requires( element is not None, "FeaturizeCharges requires mendeleev. Reinstall package with `pip install lobsterpy[featurizer]`.", ) class FeaturizeCharges: """ Class to compute Ionicity from CHARGE.lobster data. :param path_to_structure: path to structure file (e.g., `CONTCAR` (preferred), `POSCAR`) :param path_to_charge: path to CHARGE.lobster (e.g., `CHARGE.lobster`) :param charge_type: set charge type used for computing ionicity. Possible options are `Mulliken` or `Loewdin` """ def __init__( self, path_to_structure: str | Path, path_to_charge: str | Path, charge_type: Literal["mulliken", "loewdin"], ): """ Compute the Ionicity of the structure from CHARGE.lobster data. :param path_to_structure: path to structure file (e.g., `CONTCAR` (preferred), `POSCAR`) :param path_to_charge: path to CHARGE.lobster (e.g., `CHARGE.lobster`) :param charge_type: set charge type used for computing ionicity. Possible options are `mulliken` or `loewdin` """ self.path_to_structure = path_to_structure self.path_to_charge = path_to_charge self.charge_type = charge_type def _calc_ionicity(self) -> float: r""" Calculate ionicity of the crystal structure based on quantum chemical charges. \\[I_{\text{{Charges}}} = \frac{1}{{N_{\text{{Atoms}}}}}\\sum_{i=1}^{N_{\text{{Atoms}}} } \\left(\frac{q_i}{v_{\text{{eff}},i}}\right)\\] Returns: Ionicity of the structure """ chargeobj = Charge(filename=self.path_to_charge) structure = Structure.from_file(self.path_to_structure) if self.charge_type.lower() not in ["mulliken", "loewdin"]: raise ValueError("Please check the requested charge_type. Possible options are `mulliken` or `loewdin`") ch_veff = [] tol = 1e-6 for i, j in enumerate(getattr(chargeobj, self.charge_type.capitalize())): if ( j > tol and not structure.species[i].is_transition_metal and (not structure.species[i].is_actinoid and not structure.species[i].is_lanthanoid) ): valence_elec = element(structure.species[i].value) try: val = j / valence_elec.nvalence() except ZeroDivisionError: val = 0 ch_veff.append(val) elif ( j < tol and not structure.species[i].is_transition_metal and (not structure.species[i].is_actinoid and not structure.species[i].is_lanthanoid) ): valence_elec = element(structure.species[i].value) val = j / (valence_elec.nvalence() - 8) if valence_elec.nvalence() != 8 else 0 ch_veff.append(val) elif j > tol and ( structure.species[i].is_transition_metal or structure.species[i].is_actinoid or structure.species[i].is_lanthanoid ): val = ( j / (structure.species[i].max_oxidation_state - 0) if structure.species[i].max_oxidation_state != tol else 0 ) ch_veff.append(val) elif j < tol and ( structure.species[i].is_transition_metal or structure.species[i].is_actinoid or structure.species[i].is_lanthanoid ): val = ( j / (structure.species[i].max_oxidation_state - 8) if structure.species[i].max_oxidation_state != 8 else 0 ) ch_veff.append(val) return sum(ch_veff) / structure.num_sites def get_df(self, ids: str | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return a pandas dataframe with computed ionicity as columns. :param ids: set index name in the pandas dataframe. Default is None. When None, LOBSTER calc directory name is used as index name. Returns: Returns a pandas dataframe with ionicity """ if ids: df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids]) else: ids = Path(self.path_to_charge) df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids]) if self.charge_type.lower() == "mulliken": df.loc[ids, "Ionicity_Mull"] = self._calc_ionicity() else: df.loc[ids, "Ionicity_Loew"] = self._calc_ionicity() return df
[docs] class FeaturizeDoscar: """ Class to compute DOS moments and fingerprints from DOSCAR.lobster / DOSCAR.LSO.lobster. :param path_to_structure: path to structure file (e.g., `CONTCAR` (preferred), `POSCAR`) :param path_to_doscar: path to DOSCAR.lobster or DOSCAR.LSO.lobster :param e_range: range of energy relative to fermi for which moment features and features needs to be computed :param add_element_dos_moments: add element dos moment features alongside orbital dos """ def __init__( self, path_to_structure: str | Path, path_to_doscar: str | Path, e_range: list[float] | None = [-10.0, 0.0], add_element_dos_moments: bool = False, ): """ Featurize DOSCAR.lobster or DOSCAR.LSO.lobster data. :param path_to_structure: path to structure file (e.g., `CONTCAR` (preferred), `POSCAR`) :param path_to_doscar: path to DOSCAR.lobster or DOSCAR.LSO.lobster :param e_range: range of energy relative to fermi for which moment features and features needs to be computed :param add_element_dos_moments: add element dos moment features alongside orbital dos """ self.path_to_structure = path_to_structure self.path_to_doscar = path_to_doscar self.e_range = e_range self.dos = Doscar(doscar=self.path_to_doscar, structure_file=self.path_to_structure).completedos self.add_element_dos_moments = add_element_dos_moments
[docs] def get_df(self, ids: str | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return a pandas dataframe with computed DOS moment features as columns. :param ids: set index name in the pandas dataframe. Default is None. When None, LOBSTER calc directory name is used as index name. Moment features are PDOS center, width, skewness, kurtosis and upper band edge. Returns: A pandas dataframe object """ if ids: df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids]) else: ids = Path(self.path_to_doscar) df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids]) spd_dos_lobster = self.dos.get_spd_dos() for orbital in spd_dos_lobster: df.loc[ids, f"{}_band_center"] = round( self.dos.get_band_center(band=orbital, erange=self.e_range), 4 ) df.loc[ids, f"{}_band_width"] = round( self.dos.get_band_width(band=orbital, erange=self.e_range), 4 ) df.loc[ids, f"{}_band_skew"] = round( self.dos.get_band_skewness(band=orbital, erange=self.e_range), 4 ) df.loc[ids, f"{}_band_kurtosis"] = round( self.dos.get_band_kurtosis(band=orbital, erange=self.e_range), 4 ) df.loc[ids, f"{}_band_upperband_edge"] = round( self.dos.get_upper_band_edge(band=orbital, erange=self.e_range), 4 ) if self.add_element_dos_moments: elements_list = self.dos.structure.elements for el in elements_list: if orbital in self.dos.get_element_spd_dos( df.loc[ids, f"{}_{}_band_center"] = round( self.dos.get_band_center(band=orbital, elements=[el], erange=self.e_range), 4, ) df.loc[ids, f"{}_{}_band_width"] = round( self.dos.get_band_width(band=orbital, elements=[el], erange=self.e_range), 4, ) df.loc[ids, f"{}_{}_band_skew"] = round( self.dos.get_band_skewness(band=orbital, elements=[el], erange=self.e_range), 4, ) df.loc[ids, f"{}_{}_band_kurtosis"] = round( self.dos.get_band_kurtosis(band=orbital, elements=[el], erange=self.e_range), 4, ) df.loc[ids, f"{}_{}_band_upperband_edge"] = round( self.dos.get_upper_band_edge(band=orbital, elements=[el], erange=self.e_range), 4, ) return df
[docs] def get_fingerprint_df( self, ids: str | None = None, fp_type: Literal["s", "p", "d", "f", "summed_pdos", "tdos"] = "summed_pdos", binning: bool = True, n_bins: int = 256, normalize: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generate a dataframe consisting of DOS fingerprint (fp). :param ids: set index name in the pandas dataframe. Default is None. When None, LOBSTER calc directory name is used as index name. :param fp_type: Specify fingerprint type to compute, can accept `s/p/d/f/tdos/summed_pdos` (default is summed_pdos) :param binning: If true, the DOS fingerprint is binned using np.linspace and n_bins. Default is True. :param n_bins: Number of bins to be used in the fingerprint (default is 256) :param normalize: If true, normalizes the area under fp to equal to 1. Default is True. Returns: A pandas dataframe object with DOS fingerprints """ if ids: df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids], columns=["DOS_FP"]) else: ids = Path(self.path_to_doscar) df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids], columns=["DOS_FP"]) dos_fp = self.dos.get_dos_fp( fp_type=fp_type, normalize=normalize, n_bins=n_bins, binning=binning, max_e=self.e_range[-1] if self.e_range is not None else None, min_e=self.e_range[0] if self.e_range is not None else None, ) df.loc[ids, "DOS_FP"] = dos_fp return df
[docs] class FeaturizeIcoxxlist: """ Class to Featurize ICOXXLIST.lobster as Bond weighted distribution function (BWDF). :param path_to_icoxxlist: path to ICOXXLIST.lobster :param path_to_structure: path to structure file (e.g., `CONTCAR` (preferred), `POSCAR`) :param bin_width: bin width for the BWDF :param interactions_tol: tolerance for interactions :param max_length: maximum bond length for BWDF computation :param min_length: minimum bond length for BWDF computation :param normalization: normalization strategy for BWDF :param are_cobis: bool indicating if file contains COBI/ICOBI data :param are_coops: bool indicating if file contains COOP/ICOOP data """ def __init__( self, path_to_icoxxlist: str | Path, path_to_structure: str | Path, bin_width: float = 0.02, interactions_tol: float = 1e-3, max_length: float = 6.0, min_length: float = 0.0, normalization: Literal["formula_units", "area", "counts", "none"] = "formula_units", are_cobis: bool = False, are_coops: bool = False, ): """ Initialize FeaturizeIcoxxlist class attributes. :param path_to_icoxxlist: path to ICOXXLIST.lobster :param path_to_structure: path to structure file (e.g., `CONTCAR` (preferred), `POSCAR`) :param bin_width: bin width for the BWDF :param interactions_tol: numerical tolerance considered for interactions to be insignificant :param max_length: maximum bond length for BWDF computation :param min_length: minimum bond length for BWDF computation :param normalization: normalization strategy for BWDF :param are_cobis: bool indicating if file contains COBI/ICOBI data :param are_coops: bool indicating if file contains COOP/ICOOP data """ self.path_to_icoxxlist = path_to_icoxxlist self.path_to_structure = path_to_structure self.bin_width = bin_width self.are_cobis = are_cobis self.are_coops = are_coops self.icoxxlist = Icohplist( filename=self.path_to_icoxxlist, are_cobis=self.are_cobis, are_coops=self.are_coops, ) self.interactions_tol = interactions_tol self.structure = Structure.from_file(self.path_to_structure) self.max_length = max_length self.min_length = min_length self.normalization = normalization
[docs] def get_icoxx_neighbors_data(self, site_index: int | None = None) -> dict: """ Get the neighbors data with icoxx values for a structure. Uses distance based neighbor list as reference to map the neighbor's data. Args: site_index: index of the site for which neighbors data is returned. Default is None (All sites). Returns: dict: Neighbors data as a dictionary with the following information - "ref_rdf_data": radial distribution function (RDF) data - "input_icoxx_list": complete ICOXXLIST.lobster data in the form of list of tuples - "mapped_icoxx_data": ICOXX values mapped to RDF data - "missing_interactions": list of interactions that are present in RDF data but not in ICOXX data - "wasserstein_dist_to_rdf": wasserstein distance computed between ref_rdf_data and mapped_icoxx_data. """ # Get all neighbors data in a single list using distance based algorithm # This is used as a reference to map the icoxx data rdf_nb_lst = self.structure.get_neighbor_list(r=self.max_length) # Collect bond lengths, atom labels and bond strengths if site_index is not None: if site_index not in range(self.structure.num_sites): raise ValueError(f"{site_index} is not a valid site index for the structure") bond_labels = np.array(self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_labels) indices = np.where( np.isin( bond_labels, list( self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection.get_icohp_dict_of_site( site_index, minbondlength=self.min_length, maxbondlength=self.max_length ).keys() ), ) )[0] bond_lengths = np.array(self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_length)[indices].tolist() atoms1 = np.array(self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_atom1)[indices].tolist() atoms2 = np.array(self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_atom2)[indices].tolist() icoxxs = np.array([sum(item.values()) for item in self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_icohp])[ indices ].tolist() trans = [list(item) for item in np.array(self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_translation)[indices]] pairs = [[at1, at2] for at1, at2 in zip(atoms1, atoms2)] relevant_site_indices = [ ix for ix, (org, dest) in enumerate(zip(rdf_nb_lst[0], rdf_nb_lst[1])) if org == site_index or dest == site_index ] rdf_distances = [round(dist, 5) for ix, dist in enumerate(rdf_nb_lst[3]) if ix in relevant_site_indices] rdf_trans = [[int(i) for i in img] for ix, img in enumerate(rdf_nb_lst[2]) if ix in relevant_site_indices] rdf_pairs = [ [self.structure[org].species_string + str(org + 1), self.structure[dest].species_string + str(dest + 1)] for ix, (org, dest) in enumerate(zip(rdf_nb_lst[0], rdf_nb_lst[1])) if ix in relevant_site_indices ] else: # complete structure bond_lengths = self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_length atoms1 = self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_atom1 atoms2 = self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_atom2 icoxxs = [sum(item.values()) for item in self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_icohp] trans = [list(item) for item in self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_translation] pairs = [[at1, at2] for at1, at2 in zip(atoms1, atoms2)] rdf_distances = [round(dist, 5) for dist in rdf_nb_lst[3]] rdf_trans = [[int(i) for i in img] for img in rdf_nb_lst[2]] rdf_pairs = [ [self.structure[org].species_string + str(org + 1), self.structure[dest].species_string + str(dest + 1)] for org, dest in zip(rdf_nb_lst[0], rdf_nb_lst[1]) ] # Assimilate icoxx data in tuples input_icoxx_list = list(zip(pairs, bond_lengths, trans)) # 0: pair, 1: bond length, 2: translation ref_rdf_data = list(zip(rdf_pairs, rdf_distances, rdf_trans)) # Create a temp dict for faster lookup icoxx_dict = { (tuple(icoxx_p_d_t[0]), tuple(icoxx_p_d_t[2])): (icoxx_p_d_t[1], icoxxs[idx]) for idx, icoxx_p_d_t in enumerate(input_icoxx_list) } # Initialize an empty list to store the data that goes in BWDF computation mapped_icoxx_data, missing_interactions = [], [] # Check if interaction exists in both rdf data / icoxx data, then add to complete data for rdf_p_d_t in ref_rdf_data: pair_translation_key = (tuple(rdf_p_d_t[0]), tuple(rdf_p_d_t[2])) bond_length = rdf_p_d_t[1] if pair_translation_key in icoxx_dict: icoxx_bond_length, icoxx_value = icoxx_dict[pair_translation_key] if round(np.absolute(bond_length - icoxx_bond_length), 5) <= 1e-5: complete_entry = (*rdf_p_d_t, icoxx_value) if complete_entry not in mapped_icoxx_data: mapped_icoxx_data.append(complete_entry) else: missing_interactions.append(rdf_p_d_t) else: missing_interactions.append(rdf_p_d_t) # Check if the missing interactions are reverse images in ref neighbours data which LOBSTER sometimes eliminates for rdf_p_d_t in missing_interactions[:]: reversed_translation = tuple(-1 * np.array(rdf_p_d_t[2])) reversed_pair = tuple(reversed(rdf_p_d_t[0])) reversed_key = (reversed_pair, reversed_translation) if reversed_key in icoxx_dict: icoxx_bond_length, icoxx_value = icoxx_dict[reversed_key] if round(np.absolute(rdf_p_d_t[1] - icoxx_bond_length), 5) <= 1e-5: complete_entry = (*rdf_p_d_t, icoxx_value) if complete_entry not in mapped_icoxx_data: mapped_icoxx_data.append((*rdf_p_d_t, icoxx_value)) missing_interactions.remove(rdf_p_d_t) # Compute histogram of bond lengths from the reference rdf and # icoxx data to get wasserstein distance rdf_dist = [entry[1] for entry in ref_rdf_data] icoxx_dist = [entry[1] for entry in mapped_icoxx_data] rdf_hist, _ = np.histogram( rdf_dist, bins=np.arange(0, self.max_length + self.bin_width, self.bin_width), density=False, ) icoxx_hist, _ = np.histogram( icoxx_dist, bins=np.arange(0, self.max_length + self.bin_width, self.bin_width), density=False, ) return { "ref_rdf_data": ref_rdf_data, "input_icoxx_list": input_icoxx_list, "mapped_icoxx_data": mapped_icoxx_data, "missing_interactions": missing_interactions, "wasserstein_dist_to_rdf": wasserstein_distance(rdf_hist, icoxx_hist), }
[docs] def calc_bwdf(self) -> dict: """ Compute BWDF from ICOXXLIST.lobster data. Returns: dict: BWDF as a dictionary for each atom pair and entire structure - "A-B": BWDF for atom pair A-B, e.g., "Na-Cl": {“icoxx_binned”: np.array, “icoxx_counts”: np.array} - "summed": BWDF for entire structure, e.g., "summed": {“icoxx_binned”: np.array, “icoxx_counts”: np.array} - "centers": bin centers for BWDF - "edges": bin edges for BWDF - "bin_width": bin width - "wasserstein_dist_to_rdf": wasserstein distance between RDF and ICOXX data """ # Get all neighbors data in a single list icoxx_neighbors_data = self.get_icoxx_neighbors_data() # Extract unique atomic species and create possible combinations species_combinations = [sorted(item) for item in combinations_with_replacement(self.structure.symbol_set, 2)] # Calculate number of bins n_bins = int(np.ceil(((self.max_length + self.bin_width) - self.min_length) / self.bin_width)) # Get bin edges and centers bin_edges = np.round(np.linspace(self.min_length, self.max_length, n_bins), 5) bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + self.bin_width / 2 # Initialize dictionary for storing binned data by atom pair bwdf_atom_pair = { "-".join(atom_pair): { "icoxx_binned": np.zeros(bin_centers.shape), "icoxx_counts": np.zeros(bin_centers.shape), } for atom_pair in species_combinations } # Populate bins with corresponding icoxx values for key in bwdf_atom_pair: for interactions in icoxx_neighbors_data["mapped_icoxx_data"]: sorted_entry = sorted([interactions[0][0].strip("0123456789"), interactions[0][1].strip("0123456789")]) if key == "-".join(sorted_entry): for ii, l1, l2 in zip(range(len(bin_centers)), bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:], strict=False): if l1 <= interactions[1] < l2: # Add icoxx values to the corresponding bin bwdf_atom_pair[key]["icoxx_binned"][ii] += ( interactions[3] if abs(interactions[3]) > self.interactions_tol else 0 ) bwdf_atom_pair[key]["icoxx_counts"][ii] += ( 1 if abs(interactions[3]) > self.interactions_tol else 0 ) icoxx_binned_summed = np.sum( [bwdf_atom_pair[atom_pair]["icoxx_binned"] for atom_pair in bwdf_atom_pair], axis=0 ) icoxx_counts_summed = np.sum( [bwdf_atom_pair[atom_pair]["icoxx_counts"] for atom_pair in bwdf_atom_pair], axis=0 ) bwdf_atom_pair["summed"] = {"icoxx_binned": icoxx_binned_summed, "icoxx_counts": icoxx_counts_summed} bwdf_atom_pair["centers"] = bin_centers bwdf_atom_pair["edges"] = bin_edges bwdf_atom_pair["bin_width"] = self.bin_width # type: ignore[assignment] bwdf_atom_pair["wasserstein_dist_to_rdf"] = icoxx_neighbors_data["wasserstein_dist_to_rdf"] # Normalize BWDF data return self._normalize_bwdf(bwdf=bwdf_atom_pair)
[docs] def calc_site_bwdf(self, site_index: int) -> dict: """ Compute BWDF from ICOXXLIST.lobster data for a site. Args: site_index: index of the site for which BWDF needs to be computed Returns: dict: BWDF as a dictionary for the site in the following format - "X": BWDF for the site X, e.g., "0": {“icoxx_binned”: np.array, “icoxx_counts”: np.array} - "centers": bin centers for BWDF - "edges": bin edges for BWDF - "bin_width": bin width - "wasserstein_dist_to_rdf": wasserstein distance between RDF and ICOXX data """ if site_index not in range(self.structure.num_sites): raise ValueError(f"{site_index} is not a valid site index for the structure") # Get all neighbors data in a single list icoxx_neighbors_data = self.get_icoxx_neighbors_data(site_index=site_index) # Calculate number of bins n_bins = int(np.ceil(((self.max_length + self.bin_width) - self.min_length) / self.bin_width)) # Get bin edges and centers bin_edges = np.round(np.linspace(self.min_length, self.max_length, n_bins), 5) bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + self.bin_width / 2 # Initialize dictionary for storing binned data by atom pair site_bwdf = { f"{site_index}": {"icoxx_binned": np.zeros(bin_centers.shape), "icoxx_counts": np.zeros(bin_centers.shape)} } for interactions in icoxx_neighbors_data["mapped_icoxx_data"]: for ii, l1, l2 in zip(range(len(bin_centers)), bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:]): if l1 <= interactions[1] < l2: # Add icoxx values to the corresponding bin site_bwdf[f"{site_index}"]["icoxx_binned"][ii] += ( interactions[3] if abs(interactions[3]) > self.interactions_tol else 0 ) site_bwdf[f"{site_index}"]["icoxx_counts"][ii] += ( 1 if abs(interactions[3]) > self.interactions_tol else 0 ) site_bwdf["centers"] = bin_centers site_bwdf["edges"] = bin_edges site_bwdf["bin_width"] = self.bin_width # type: ignore[assignment] site_bwdf["wasserstein_dist_to_rdf"] = icoxx_neighbors_data["wasserstein_dist_to_rdf"] # type: ignore[assignment] # Normalize BWDF data return self._normalize_bwdf(bwdf=site_bwdf)
[docs] def calc_label_bwdf(self, bond_label: str) -> dict: """ Compute BWDF from ICOXXLIST.lobster data for a bond label. Args: bond_label: bond label for which BWDF needs to be computed Returns: dict: BWDF as a dictionary for the bond label in the following format - "X": BWDF for the bond label, e.g., "20": {“icoxx_binned”: np.array, “icoxx_counts”: np.array} - "centers": bin centers for BWDF - "edges": bin edges for BWDF - "bin_width": bin width - "wasserstein_dist_to_rdf": wasserstein distance between RDF and ICOXX data """ index = self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_labels.index(bond_label) bond_length = self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_length[index] atom1 = self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_atom1[index] atom2 = self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_atom2[index] icoxx = sum(self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_icohp[index].values()) trans = self.icoxxlist.icohpcollection._list_translation[index] # Complete data complete_data = [(sorted([atom1, atom2]), bond_length, trans, icoxx)] # Calculate number of bins n_bins = int(np.ceil(((self.max_length + self.bin_width) - self.min_length) / self.bin_width)) # Get bin edges and centers bin_edges = np.round(np.linspace(self.min_length, self.max_length, n_bins), 5) bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + self.bin_width / 2 # Initialize dictionary for storing binned data by atom pair label_bwdf = { bond_label: {"icoxx_binned": np.zeros(bin_centers.shape), "icoxx_counts": np.zeros(bin_centers.shape)} } for interactions in complete_data: for ii, l1, l2 in zip(range(len(bin_centers)), bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:]): if l1 <= interactions[1] < l2: # Add icoxx values to the corresponding bin label_bwdf[bond_label]["icoxx_binned"][ii] += ( interactions[3] if abs(interactions[3]) > self.interactions_tol else 0 ) label_bwdf[bond_label]["icoxx_counts"][ii] += ( 1 if abs(interactions[3]) > self.interactions_tol else 0 ) label_bwdf["centers"] = bin_centers label_bwdf["edges"] = bin_edges label_bwdf["bin_width"] = self.bin_width # type: ignore[assignment] # Normalize BWDF data return self._normalize_bwdf(bwdf=label_bwdf)
@staticmethod def _get_features_col_names(bwdf: dict) -> list[str]: """ Get the names of the features that will be generated by the class. Args: bwdf: dictionary containing the BWDF data Returns: list of feature names """ features = [] for edge_1, edge_2 in zip(bwdf["edges"][:-1], bwdf["edges"][1:]): features.append(f"bwdf_{round(edge_1, 2)}-{round(edge_2, 2)}") return features def _normalize_bwdf(self, bwdf: dict) -> dict: """ Normalize BWDF data based on the normalization strategy. :param bwdf: BWDF data as a dictionary Returns: Normalized BWDF data as a dictionary """ for bwdf_label, bwdf_value in bwdf.items(): if bwdf_label not in ("centers", "edges", "bin_width", "wasserstein_dist_to_rdf"): if self.normalization == "area": total_area = np.sum(np.abs(bwdf_value["icoxx_binned"]) * self.bin_width) bwdf[bwdf_label]["icoxx_binned"] = np.nan_to_num(bwdf_value["icoxx_binned"] / total_area) elif self.normalization == "formula_units": formula_units = self.structure.composition.get_reduced_formula_and_factor()[-1] bwdf[bwdf_label]["icoxx_binned"] = np.nan_to_num(bwdf_value["icoxx_binned"] / formula_units) elif self.normalization == "counts": bwdf[bwdf_label]["icoxx_binned"] = np.nan_to_num( bwdf_value["icoxx_binned"] / bwdf_value["icoxx_counts"] ) return bwdf
[docs] def get_binned_bwdf_df(self, ids: str | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return a pandas dataframe with computed BWDF features as columns. Args: ids: set index name in the pandas dataframe. Default is None. Returns: A pandas dataframe object with BWDF as columns. Each column contains sum of icoxx values corresponding to bins. """ bwdf = self.calc_bwdf() column_names = self._get_features_col_names(bwdf=bwdf) if ids: df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids], columns=column_names) else: ids = Path(self.path_to_icoxxlist) df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids], columns=column_names) for icoxx_weight, col in zip(bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"], column_names): df.loc[ids, col] = icoxx_weight df["wasserstein_dist_to_rdf"] = bwdf["wasserstein_dist_to_rdf"] return df
[docs] def get_site_df(self, site_index: int, ids: str | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return a pandas dataframe with computed BWDF features for a site as columns. Args: site_index: index of the site in a structure for which BWDF needs to be computed ids: set index name in the pandas dataframe. Default is None. Returns: A pandas dataframe object with BWDF as columns for a site. Each column contains sum of icoxx values corresponding to bins. """ site_bwdf = self.calc_site_bwdf(site_index=site_index) column_names = [f"{feat_name}_site_{site_index}" for feat_name in self._get_features_col_names(bwdf=site_bwdf)] if ids: df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids], columns=column_names) else: ids = Path(self.path_to_icoxxlist) df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids], columns=column_names) for icoxx_weight, col in zip(site_bwdf[f"{site_index}"]["icoxx_binned"], column_names): df.loc[ids, col] = icoxx_weight df[f"wasserstein_dist_to_rdf_site_{site_index}"] = site_bwdf["wasserstein_dist_to_rdf"] return df
[docs] def get_stats_df(self, ids: str | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return a pandas dataframe with statical info from BWDF as columns. Args: ids: set index name in the pandas dataframe. Default is None. Returns: A pandas dataframe object with BWDF statistical information as columns. Columns include sum, mean, std, min, max, skew, kurtosis, weighted mean and weighted std. """ bwdf = self.calc_bwdf() bin_weights = np.abs(bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"] / np.sum(bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"])) column_names = [ "bwdf_sum", "bwdf_mean", "bwdf_std", "bwdf_min", "bwdf_max", "bwdf_skew", "bwdf_kurtosis", "bwdf_w_mean", "bwdf_w_std", ] if ids: df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids], columns=column_names) else: ids = Path(self.path_to_icoxxlist) df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids], columns=column_names) w_bwdf_mean = np.average(bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"], weights=bin_weights) w_bwdf_std = np.sqrt(np.average((bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"] - w_bwdf_mean) ** 2, weights=bin_weights)) df.loc[ids, "bwdf_sum"] = np.sum(bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"]) df.loc[ids, "bwdf_mean"] = np.mean(bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"]) df.loc[ids, "bwdf_std"] = np.std(bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"]) df.loc[ids, "bwdf_w_mean"] = w_bwdf_mean df.loc[ids, "bwdf_w_std"] = w_bwdf_std df.loc[ids, "bwdf_min"] = np.min(bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"]) df.loc[ids, "bwdf_max"] = np.max(bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"]) df.loc[ids, "bwdf_skew"] = skew(bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"]) df.loc[ids, "bwdf_kurtosis"] = kurtosis(bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"]) df["wasserstein_dist_to_rdf"] = bwdf["wasserstein_dist_to_rdf"] return df
[docs] def get_sorted_bwdf_df(self, ids: str | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return a pandas dataframe with BWDF values sorted by distances, ascending. Args: ids: set index name in the pandas dataframe. Default is None. Returns: A pandas dataframe object with binned BWDF values sorted by distance. """ if not ids: ids = Path(self.path_to_icoxxlist) icoxx = self.calc_bwdf()["summed"]["icoxx_binned"] sorted_icoxx = icoxx[icoxx != 0.0] column_names = [f"bwdf_at_dist{d}" for d in range(len(sorted_icoxx))] return pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ids: dict(zip(column_names, sorted_icoxx))}).T
[docs] def get_sorted_dist_df( self, ids: str | None = None, mode: Literal["positive", "negative"] = "negative" ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return a pandas dataframe with distances sorted by BWDF values (either only positive or negative), sorted descending by absolute values. Args: ids: set index name in the pandas dataframe. Default is None mode: must be in ("positive", "negative"), defines whether BWDF values above or below zero are considered for distance featurization. Returns: A pandas dataframe object with binned distances sorted by BWDF values. """ if mode not in ["positive", "negative"]: raise ValueError("param mode must be in ('positive', 'negative')") if not ids: ids = Path(self.path_to_icoxxlist) bwdf = self.calc_bwdf() sorted_dist_ids = bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"].argsort() if mode == "negative": sorted_dists = [bwdf["centers"][i] for i in sorted_dist_ids if bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"][i] < 0] else: sorted_dists = [bwdf["centers"][i] for i in sorted_dist_ids[::-1] if bwdf["summed"]["icoxx_binned"][i] > 0] column_names = [f"dist_at_{mode[:3]}_bwdf{d}" for d in range(len(sorted_dists))] return pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ids: dict(zip(column_names, sorted_dists))}).T