Source code for lobsterpy.featurize.batch

# Copyright (c) lobsterpy development team
# Distributed under the terms of a BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

"""This module defines wrapper classes to quickly obtain similarity matrix of input fingerprint objects."""

from __future__ import annotations

import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

from lobsterpy.featurize.core import (
from lobsterpy.structuregraph.graph import LobsterGraph

from . import get_file_paths


[docs] class BatchSummaryFeaturizer: """ Batch Featurizer sets that generates summary features from lobster data. :param path_to_lobster_calcs: path to root directory consisting of all lobster calc :param path_to_jsons: path to root directory consisting of all lobster lightweight jsons :param feature_type: set the feature type for moment features. Possible options are `bonding`, `antibonding` or `overall` :param charge_type: set charge type used for computing ionicity. Possible options are `mulliken`, `loewdin` or `both`. :param bonds: `all_bonds` or `cation_anion_bonds` :param orbital_resolved: bool indicating whether LobsterPy analysis is performed orbital wise :param include_cobi_data: bool stating to include COBICAR.lobster features :param include_coop_data: bool stating to include COOPCAR.lobster features :param e_range: range of energy relative to fermi for which moment features needs to be computed :param n_jobs: parallel processes to run """ def __init__( self, path_to_lobster_calcs: str | Path, path_to_jsons: str | Path | None = None, feature_type: str = "antibonding", charge_type: str = "both", bonds: str = "all", orbital_resolved: bool = False, include_cobi_data: bool = False, include_coop_data: bool = False, e_range: list[float] = [-5.0, 0.0], n_jobs: int = 4, ): """ Featurize lobster data via multiprocessing for large number of compounds. :param path_to_lobster_calcs: path to root directory consisting of all lobster calc :param path_to_jsons: path to root directory consisting of all lobster lightweight jsons :param feature_type: set the feature type for moment features. Possible options are `bonding`, `antibonding` or `overall` :param charge_type: set charge type used for computing ionicity. Possible options are `mulliken`, `loewdin` or `both`. :param bonds: `all` or `cation-anion` bonds :param orbital_resolved: bool indicating whether LobsterPy analysis is performed orbital wise :param include_cobi_data: bool stating to include COBICAR.lobster features :param include_coop_data: bool stating to include COOPCAR.lobster features :param e_range: range of energy relative to fermi for which moment features needs to be computed :param n_jobs: parallel processes to run """ # Check for valid parameters of string type allowed_str_inputs = { "charge_type": ["mulliken", "loewdin", "both"], "bonds": ["all", "cation-anion"], "feature_type": ["bonding", "antibonding", "overall"], } for param, param_string in zip([charge_type, bonds, feature_type], ["charge_type", "bonds", "feature_type"]): if param not in allowed_str_inputs[param_string]: raise ValueError( f"Parameter {param_string} set to {param} but must be in " f"{list(allowed_str_inputs[param_string])}." ) self.path_to_lobster_calcs = path_to_lobster_calcs self.path_to_jsons = path_to_jsons self.feature_type = feature_type self.charge_type = charge_type self.bonds = bonds self.orbital_resolved = orbital_resolved self.include_cobi_data = include_cobi_data self.include_coop_data = include_coop_data self.e_range = e_range self.n_jobs = n_jobs def _featurizelobsterpy(self, file_name_or_path: str | Path) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Featurize Lobsterpy condensed bonding analysis data. if lightweight json file exists loads that or invokes LobsterPy Analysis class. :param file_name_or_path: path to the LOBSTER calc directory or lightweight condensed bonding analysis json file name. Returns: A pandas dataframe with ICOHP stats like mean, min, max of relevant bonds and madelung energies """ if Path(file_name_or_path).is_file(): featurize_lobsterpy = FeaturizeLobsterpy( path_to_json=file_name_or_path, bonds=self.bonds, ) else: featurize_lobsterpy = FeaturizeLobsterpy( path_to_lobster_calc=file_name_or_path, bonds=self.bonds, orbital_resolved=self.orbital_resolved, ) return featurize_lobsterpy.get_df() def _featurizecoxx(self, path_to_lobster_calc: str | Path) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Featurize COHP/COBI/COOPCAR data using FeaturizeCOXX. :param path_to_lobster_calc: path to root LOBSTER calc directory Returns: A pandas dataframe with COHP summary stats data mainly weighted ICOHP/ICOOP/ICOBI, Effective interaction number and moment features (center, width, skewness and kurtosis) """ file_paths = get_file_paths( path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["structure", "cohpcar", "icohplist"] ) structure_path = file_paths.get("structure") coxx = FeaturizeCOXX( path_to_coxxcar=str(file_paths.get("cohpcar")), path_to_icoxxlist=str(file_paths.get("icohplist")), path_to_structure=str(structure_path), feature_type=self.feature_type, e_range=self.e_range, ) df = coxx.get_summarized_coxx_df() del coxx if self.include_cobi_data: file_paths = get_file_paths( path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["cobicar", "icobilist"] ) coxx = FeaturizeCOXX( path_to_coxxcar=str(file_paths.get("cobicar")), path_to_icoxxlist=str(file_paths.get("icobilist")), path_to_structure=str(structure_path), feature_type=self.feature_type, e_range=self.e_range, are_cobis=True, ) df_cobi = coxx.get_summarized_coxx_df() df = pd.concat([df, df_cobi], axis=1) del coxx if self.include_coop_data: file_paths = get_file_paths( path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["coopcar", "icooplist"] ) coxx = FeaturizeCOXX( path_to_coxxcar=str(file_paths.get("coopcar")), path_to_icoxxlist=str(file_paths.get("icooplist")), path_to_structure=str(structure_path), feature_type=self.feature_type, e_range=self.e_range, are_coops=True, ) df_coop = coxx.get_summarized_coxx_df() df = pd.concat([df, df_coop], axis=1) del coxx return df def _featurizecharges(self, path_to_lobster_calc: str | Path) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Featurize CHARGE.lobster.gz data that using FeaturizeCharges. :param path_to_lobster_calc: path to root LOBSTER calc directory Returns: A pandas dataframe with computed ionicity for the structure """ file_paths = get_file_paths(path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["structure", "charge"]) if self.charge_type == "mulliken": charge_mull = FeaturizeCharges( path_to_charge=str(file_paths.get("charge")), path_to_structure=str(file_paths.get("structure")), charge_type="mulliken", ) df = charge_mull.get_df() elif self.charge_type == "loewdin": charge_loew = FeaturizeCharges( path_to_charge=str(file_paths.get("charge")), path_to_structure=str(file_paths.get("structure")), charge_type="loewdin", ) df = charge_loew.get_df() else: charge_mull = FeaturizeCharges( path_to_charge=str(file_paths.get("charge")), path_to_structure=str(file_paths.get("structure")), charge_type="mulliken", ) df_mull = charge_mull.get_df() charge_loew = FeaturizeCharges( path_to_charge=str(file_paths.get("charge")), path_to_structure=str(file_paths.get("structure")), charge_type="loewdin", ) df_loew = charge_loew.get_df() df = pd.concat([df_mull, df_loew], axis=1) return df
[docs] def get_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generate a pandas dataframe with summary features extracted from LOBSTER files. Uses multiprocessing to speed up the process. Returns: Returns a pandas dataframe """ if self.path_to_jsons: file_name_or_path = [ os.path.join(self.path_to_jsons, f) for f in os.listdir(self.path_to_jsons) if not f.startswith("t") and not f.startswith(".") and not os.path.isdir(f) ] elif self.path_to_lobster_calcs and not self.path_to_jsons: file_name_or_path = [ os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f) for f in os.listdir(self.path_to_lobster_calcs) if not f.startswith("t") and not f.startswith(".") and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f)) ] row = [] with ( mp.Pool(processes=self.n_jobs, maxtasksperchild=1) as pool, tqdm(total=len(file_name_or_path), desc="Generating LobsterPy summary stats") as pbar, ): for _, result in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(self._featurizelobsterpy, file_name_or_path, chunksize=1)): pbar.update() row.append(result) df_lobsterpy = pd.concat(row) df_lobsterpy.sort_index(inplace=True) # noqa: PD002 paths = [ os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f) for f in os.listdir(self.path_to_lobster_calcs) if not f.startswith("t") and not f.startswith(".") and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f)) ] row = [] with ( mp.Pool(processes=self.n_jobs, maxtasksperchild=1) as pool, tqdm(total=len(paths), desc="Generating COHP/COOP/COBI summary stats") as pbar, ): for _, result in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(self._featurizecoxx, paths, chunksize=1)): pbar.update() row.append(result) df_coxx = pd.concat(row) df_coxx.sort_index(inplace=True) # noqa: PD002 row = [] with ( mp.Pool(processes=self.n_jobs, maxtasksperchild=1) as pool, tqdm(total=len(paths), desc="Generating charge based features") as pbar, ): for _, result in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(self._featurizecharges, paths, chunksize=1)): pbar.update() row.append(result) df_charges = pd.concat(row) df_charges.sort_index(inplace=True) # noqa: PD002 return pd.concat([df_lobsterpy, df_coxx, df_charges], axis=1)
[docs] class BatchCoxxFingerprint: """ BatchFeaturizer to generate COHP/COOP/COBI fingerprints and Tanimoto index similarity matrix. :param path_to_lobster_calcs: path to root directory consisting of all lobster calc :param feature_type: set the feature type for moment features. Possible options are `bonding`, `antibonding` or `overall` :param label_list: bond labels list for which fingerprints needs to be generated. :param tanimoto: bool to state to compute tanimoto index between fingerprint objects :param normalize: bool to state to normalize the fingerprint data :param spin_type: can be `summed` or `up` or `down`. :param n_bins: sets number for bins for fingerprint objects :param e_range: range of energy relative to fermi for which moment features needs to be computed :param n_jobs: number of parallel processes to run :param fingerprint_for: Possible options are `cohp` or `cobi` or `coop`. Based on this fingerprints will be computed for COHPCAR/COOBICAR/COOPCAR.lobster files Attributes: fingerprint_df: A pandas dataframe with fingerprint objects """ def __init__( self, path_to_lobster_calcs: str | Path, feature_type: str = "overall", label_list: list[str] | None = None, tanimoto: bool = True, normalize: bool = True, spin_type: str = "summed", n_bins: int = 56, e_range: list[float] = [-15.0, 0.0], n_jobs=4, fingerprint_for: str = "cohp", ): """ Generate COHP/COOP/COBI fingerprints and pair-wise Tanimoto index similarity matrix. :param path_to_lobster_calcs: path to root directory consisting of all lobster calc :param feature_type: set the feature type for moment features. Possible options are `bonding`, `antibonding` or `overall` :param label_list: bond labels list for which fingerprints needs to be generated. :param tanimoto: bool to state to compute tanimoto index between fingerprint objects :param normalize: bool to state to normalize the fingerprint data :param spin_type: can be `summed` or `up` or `down`. :param n_bins: sets number for bins for fingerprint objects :param e_range: range of energy relative to fermi for which moment features needs to be computed :param n_jobs: number of parallel processes to run :param fingerprint_for: Possible options are `cohp` or `cobi` or `coop`. Based on this fingerprints will be computed for COHPCAR/COOBICAR/COOPCAR.lobster files """ self.path_to_lobster_calcs = path_to_lobster_calcs self.feature_type = feature_type self.tanimoto = tanimoto self.normalize = normalize self.label_list = label_list self.spin_type = spin_type self.n_bins = n_bins self.e_range = e_range self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.fingerprint_for = fingerprint_for self.fingerprint_df = self._get_fingerprints_df()
[docs] def get_similarity_matrix_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute pairwise similarity index for each fingerprint object in input dataframe. Returns: A Pandas dataframe """ matrix = np.full((self.fingerprint_df.shape[0], self.fingerprint_df.shape[0]), np.nan) for i, (_, col) in enumerate(self.fingerprint_df.iterrows()): for j, (_, col1) in enumerate(self.fingerprint_df.iterrows()): if self.tanimoto: simi = self._get_fp_similarity( col["COXX_FP"], col1["COXX_FP"], tanimoto=self.tanimoto, normalize=False, ) else: simi = self._get_fp_similarity( col["COXX_FP"], col1["COXX_FP"], tanimoto=False, normalize=True, ) matrix[i][j] = simi return pd.DataFrame( matrix, index=list(self.fingerprint_df.index), columns=list(self.fingerprint_df.index), )
@staticmethod def _fp_to_dict(fp: CoxxFingerprint) -> dict: """ Convert a fingerprint obj into a dictionary. :param fp: The fingerprint to be converted into a dictionary Returns: dict: A dict of the fingerprint Keys=type, Values=np.ndarray(energies, cohp) """ fp_dict = {} fp_dict[fp[2]] = np.array([fp[0], fp[1]], dtype="object").T return fp_dict @staticmethod def _get_fp_similarity( fp1: CoxxFingerprint, fp2: CoxxFingerprint, col: int = 1, pt: int | str = "All", normalize: bool = False, tanimoto: bool = True, ) -> float: """ Calculate the similarity index (dot product) of two fingerprints. :param fp1 The 1st CoxxFingerprint object :param fp2: The 2nd CoxxFingerprint object :param col: The item in the fingerprints (0:energies,1: coxxs) to take the dot product of (default is 1) :param pt: The index of the point that the dot product is to be taken (default is All) :param normalize: If True normalize the scalar product to 1 (default is False) :param tanimoto: If True will compute Tanimoto index (default is False) Raises: ValueError: If both tanimoto and normalize are set to True. Returns: Similarity index (float): The value of dot product """ fp1_dict = BatchCoxxFingerprint._fp_to_dict(fp1) if not isinstance(fp1, dict) else fp1 fp2_dict = BatchCoxxFingerprint._fp_to_dict(fp2) if not isinstance(fp2, dict) else fp2 if pt == "All": vec1 = np.array([pt[col] for pt in fp1_dict.values()]).flatten() vec2 = np.array([pt[col] for pt in fp2_dict.values()]).flatten() else: vec1 = fp1_dict[fp1[2][pt]][col] # type: ignore vec2 = fp2_dict[fp2[2][pt]][col] # type: ignore if not normalize and tanimoto: rescale = np.linalg.norm(vec1) ** 2 + np.linalg.norm(vec2) ** 2 -, vec2) elif not tanimoto and normalize: rescale = np.linalg.norm(vec1) * np.linalg.norm(vec2) elif not tanimoto and not normalize: rescale = 1.0 else: raise ValueError( "Cannot compute similarity index. Please set either normalize=True or tanimoto=True or both to False." ) return, vec2) / rescale def _fingerprint_df(self, path_to_lobster_calc: str | Path) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get fingerprint object dataframe via FeaturizeCOXX.get_coxx_fingerprint_df. Also helps to generate the data used for fingerprint generation. :param path_to_lobster_calc: path to root LOBSTER calculation directory. Returns: A pandas dataframe with COXX fingerprint object """ if self.fingerprint_for.upper() == "COBI": file_paths = get_file_paths( path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["structure", "cobicar", "icobilist"] ) coxxcar_path = file_paths.get("cobicar") icoxxlist_path = file_paths.get("icobilist") are_cobis = True are_coops = False elif self.fingerprint_for.upper() == "COOP": file_paths = get_file_paths( path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["structure", "coopcar", "icooplist"] ) coxxcar_path = file_paths.get("coopcar") icoxxlist_path = file_paths.get("icooplist") are_cobis = False are_coops = True else: file_paths = get_file_paths( path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["structure", "cohpcar", "icohplist"] ) coxxcar_path = file_paths.get("cohpcar") icoxxlist_path = file_paths.get("icohplist") are_cobis = False are_coops = False coxx = FeaturizeCOXX( path_to_coxxcar=str(coxxcar_path), path_to_icoxxlist=str(icoxxlist_path), path_to_structure=str(file_paths.get("structure")), feature_type=self.feature_type, e_range=self.e_range, are_coops=are_coops, are_cobis=are_cobis, ) return coxx.get_coxx_fingerprint_df( spin_type=self.spin_type, n_bins=self.n_bins, normalize=self.normalize, label_list=self.label_list, ) def _get_fingerprints_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generate fingerprint objects dataframe using BatchCoxxFingerprint._fingerprint_df. Returns: A pandas dataframe with COXX fingerprint objects """ paths = [ os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f) for f in os.listdir(self.path_to_lobster_calcs) if not f.startswith("t") and not f.startswith(".") and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f)) ] row = [] with ( mp.Pool(processes=self.n_jobs, maxtasksperchild=1) as pool, tqdm( total=len(paths), desc=f"Generating {self.fingerprint_for.upper()} fingerprints", ) as pbar, ): for _, result in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(self._fingerprint_df, paths, chunksize=1)): pbar.update() row.append(result) df = pd.concat(row) df.sort_index(inplace=True) # noqa: PD002 return df
[docs] class BatchStructureGraphs: """ Batch Featurizer that generates structure graphs with lobster data. :param path_to_lobster_calcs: path to root directory consisting of all lobster calc :param add_additional_data_sg: bool indicating whether to include `icoop` and `icobi` data as edge properties :param which_bonds: selects which kind of bonds are analyzed. "all" is the default :param cutoff_icohp: only bonds that are stronger than cutoff_icohp * strongest ICOHP will be considered. :param noise_cutoff: if provided hardcodes the lower limit of icohps considered. :param start: start energy for bonding antibonding percent integration :param n_jobs: parallel processes to run """ def __init__( self, path_to_lobster_calcs: str | Path, add_additional_data_sg: bool = True, which_bonds: str = "all", cutoff_icohp: float = 0.10, noise_cutoff: float = 0.1, start: float | None = None, n_jobs: int = 4, ): """ Generate structure graphs with LOBSTER data via multiprocessing. :param path_to_lobster_calcs: path to root directory consisting of all lobster calc :param add_additional_data_sg: bool indicating whether to include `icoop` and `icobi` data as edge properties :param which_bonds: selects which kind of bonds are analyzed. "all" is the default :param cutoff_icohp: only bonds that are stronger than cutoff_icohp * strongest ICOHP will be considered. :param noise_cutoff: if provided hardcodes the lower limit of icohps considered. :param start: start energy for bonding antibonding percent integration :param n_jobs: parallel processes to run """ self.path_to_lobster_calcs = path_to_lobster_calcs self.add_additional_data_sg = add_additional_data_sg self.which_bonds = which_bonds self.cutff_icohp = cutoff_icohp self.noise_cutoff = noise_cutoff self.start = start self.n_jobs = n_jobs def _get_sg_df(self, path_to_lobster_calc: str | Path) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generate a structure graph with LOBSTER data bonding analysis data. :param path_to_lobster_calc: path to root LOBSTER calculation directory Returns: A structure graph with LOBSTER data as edge and node properties in structure graph objects """ dir_name = Path(path_to_lobster_calc) file_paths = get_file_paths( path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["charge", "cohpcar", "icohplist", "icooplist", "icobilist", "madelung", "structure"], ) graph = LobsterGraph( path_to_poscar=str(file_paths.get("structure")), path_to_charge=str(file_paths.get("charge")), path_to_cohpcar=str(file_paths.get("cohpcar")), path_to_icohplist=str(file_paths.get("icohplist")), add_additional_data_sg=self.add_additional_data_sg, path_to_icooplist=str(file_paths.get("icooplist")), path_to_icobilist=str(file_paths.get("icobilist")), path_to_madelung=str(file_paths.get("madelung")), which_bonds=self.which_bonds, cutoff_icohp=self.cutff_icohp, noise_cutoff=self.noise_cutoff, start=self.start, ) ids = df = pd.DataFrame(index=[ids]) df.loc[ids, "structure_graph"] = return df
[docs] def get_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generate a pandas dataframe with structure graph with LOBSTER data. Uses multiprocessing to speed up the process. Returns: Returns a pandas dataframe """ paths = [ os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f) for f in os.listdir(self.path_to_lobster_calcs) if not f.startswith("t") and not f.startswith(".") and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f)) ] row = [] with ( mp.Pool(processes=self.n_jobs, maxtasksperchild=1) as pool, tqdm(total=len(paths), desc="Generating Structure Graphs") as pbar, ): for _, result in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(self._get_sg_df, paths, chunksize=1)): pbar.update() row.append(result) df_sg = pd.concat(row) df_sg.sort_index(inplace=True) # noqa: PD002 return df_sg
[docs] class BatchDosFeaturizer: """ BatchFeaturizer to generate Lobster DOS moment features and fingerprints. :param path_to_lobster_calcs: path to root directory consisting of all lobster calc :param add_element_dos_moments: add element dos moment features alongside orbital dos :param normalize: bool to state to normalize the fingerprint data :param n_bins: sets number for bins for fingerprint objects :param e_range: range of energy relative to fermi for which moment features needs to be computed :param n_jobs: number of parallel processes to run :param fingerprint_type: Specify fingerprint type to compute, can accept `{s/p/d/f/}summed_{pdos/tdos}` (default is summed_pdos) :param use_lso_dos: Will force featurizer to use DOSCAR.LSO.lobster instead of DOSCAR.lobster """ def __init__( self, path_to_lobster_calcs: str | Path, add_element_dos_moments: bool = False, fingerprint_type: str = "summed_pdos", normalize: bool = True, n_bins: int = 56, e_range: list[float] = [-15.0, 0.0], n_jobs=4, use_lso_dos: bool = True, ): """ Initialize BatchDosFeaturizer. :param path_to_lobster_calcs: path to root directory consisting of all lobster calc :param add_element_dos_moments: add element dos moment features alongside orbital dos :param normalize: bool to state to normalize the fingerprint data :param n_bins: sets number for bins for fingerprint objects :param e_range: range of energy relative to fermi for which moment features needs to be computed :param n_jobs: number of parallel processes to run :param fingerprint_type: Specify fingerprint type to compute, can accept `{s/p/d/f/}summed_{pdos/tdos}` (default is summed_pdos) :param use_lso_dos: Will force featurizer to use DOSCAR.LSO.lobster instead of DOSCAR.lobster """ self.path_to_lobster_calcs = path_to_lobster_calcs self.add_element_dos_moments = add_element_dos_moments self.fingerprint_type = fingerprint_type self.e_range = e_range self.normalize = normalize self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.n_bins = n_bins self.use_lso_dos = use_lso_dos def _get_dos_moments_df(self, path_to_lobster_calc: str | Path) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Featurize DOSCAR.lobster data using FeaturizeDOSCAR. Returns: A pandas dataframe with computed PDOS moment features """ file_paths = get_file_paths( path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["structure", "doscar"], use_lso_dos=self.use_lso_dos, ) featurize_dos = FeaturizeDoscar( path_to_doscar=str(file_paths.get("doscar")), path_to_structure=str(file_paths.get("structure")), add_element_dos_moments=self.add_element_dos_moments, e_range=self.e_range, ) return featurize_dos.get_df() def _get_dos_fingerprints_df(self, path_to_lobster_calc: str | Path) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Featurize DOSCAR.lobster data into fingerprints using FeaturizeDOSCAR. :param path_to_lobster_calc: path to root LOBSTER calculation directory. Returns: A pandas dataframe with DOS fingerprint objects """ file_paths = get_file_paths( path_to_lobster_calc=path_to_lobster_calc, requested_files=["structure", "doscar"], use_lso_dos=self.use_lso_dos, ) featurize_dos = FeaturizeDoscar( path_to_doscar=str(file_paths.get("doscar")), path_to_structure=str(file_paths.get("structure")), e_range=self.e_range, ) return featurize_dos.get_fingerprint_df( fp_type=self.fingerprint_type, normalize=self.normalize, n_bins=self.n_bins, )
[docs] def get_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generate a pandas dataframe with all moment features. Moment features are PDOS (optional: element dos) center, width, skewness, kurtosis and upper band edge. Returns: A pandas dataframe with moment features """ paths = [ os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f) for f in os.listdir(self.path_to_lobster_calcs) if not f.startswith("t") and not f.startswith(".") and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f)) ] row = [] with ( mp.Pool(processes=self.n_jobs, maxtasksperchild=1) as pool, tqdm(total=len(paths), desc="Generating PDOS moment features") as pbar, ): for _, result in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(self._get_dos_moments_df, paths, chunksize=1)): pbar.update() row.append(result) df_dos = pd.concat(row) df_dos.sort_index(inplace=True) # noqa: PD002 return df_dos
[docs] def get_fingerprints_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generate a pandas dataframe with DOS fingerprints. Returns: A pandas dataframe with fingerprint objects """ paths = [ os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f) for f in os.listdir(self.path_to_lobster_calcs) if not f.startswith("t") and not f.startswith(".") and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path_to_lobster_calcs, f)) ] row = [] with ( mp.Pool(processes=self.n_jobs, maxtasksperchild=1) as pool, tqdm(total=len(paths), desc="Generating DOS fingerprints") as pbar, ): for _, result in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(self._get_dos_fingerprints_df, paths, chunksize=1)): pbar.update() row.append(result) df_dos_fp = pd.concat(row) df_dos_fp.sort_index(inplace=True) # noqa: PD002 return df_dos_fp