Source code for lobsterpy.featurize.utils
# Copyright (c) lobsterpy development team
# Distributed under the terms of a BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
"""This package provides the modules for featurzing Lobster data ready for ML studies."""
from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
from typing import NamedTuple
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from mendeleev import element
from monty.os.path import zpath
"Falling back to POSCAR, translations between individual atoms may differ from LOBSTER outputs. "
"Please note that translations in the LOBSTER outputs are consistent with CONTCAR "
"(also with POSCAR.lobster.vasp or POSCAR.vasp : written by LOBSTER >=v5)."
class CoxxFingerprint(NamedTuple):
Represents a Coxx fingerprint.
This named tuple is used to store information related to a Coxx fingerprint, which
includes energies, Coxx values, fingerprint type, spin type, number of bins, and bin width.
:param energies: The energy values associated with the Coxx fingerprint.
:param coxx: The Coxx values corresponding to each energy.
:param fp_type: The type of the Coxx fingerprint.
:param spin_type: The spin type associated with the fingerprint.
:param n_bins: The number of bins used in the Coxx fingerprint.
:param bin_width: The width of each bin in the Coxx fingerprint.
energies: np.ndarray
coxx: np.ndarray
fp_type: str
spin_type: str
n_bins: int
bin_width: float
def get_file_paths(
path_to_lobster_calc: str | Path = "", requested_files: list[str] = [], use_lso_dos: bool = True
) -> dict:
Get file paths for LobsterPy featurizations, raise Exception if not all of requested paths exist.
:param path_to_lobster_calc: path to root LOBSTER calc directory
:param requested_files: files to return paths for.
:param use_lso_dos: solely required for BatchDosFeaturizer.
Will force featurizer to use DOSCAR.LSO.lobster instead of DOSCAR.lobster.
:return: dict that assigns each item of requested_files its path
default_values = {
"structure": "CONTCAR",
"cohpcar": "COHPCAR.lobster",
"icohplist": "ICOHPLIST.lobster",
"cobicar": "COBICAR.lobster",
"icobilist": "ICOBILIST.lobster",
"coopcar": "COOPCAR.lobster",
"icooplist": "ICOOPLIST.lobster",
"charge": "CHARGE.lobster",
"madelung": "MadelungEnergies.lobster",
"doscar": ("DOSCAR.LSO.lobster" if use_lso_dos else "DOSCAR.lobster"),
"lobsterin": "lobsterin",
"lobsterout": "lobsterout",
"bandoverlaps": "bandOverlaps.lobster",
"potcar": "POTCAR",
"vasprun": "vasprun.xml",
"incar": "INCAR",
lobster_path = Path(path_to_lobster_calc)
file_paths = {}
missing_files = []
for file in requested_files:
file_str = default_values.get(file)
file_str = file_str if isinstance(file_str, str) else file
if file == "structure":
file_paths[file] = get_structure_path(lobster_path=lobster_path)
except Exception:
file_path = lobster_path / file_str
if file_path.exists():
file_paths[file] = file_path
gz_file_path = Path(zpath(str(file_path.as_posix())))
if gz_file_path.exists():
file_paths[file] = gz_file_path
if missing_files:
raise Exception(f"Files {missing_files} not found in {}.")
return file_paths
def get_structure_path(lobster_path: Path) -> Path:
Search iteratively for (unzipped / zipped) structure file.
CONTCAR is prioritized over POSCAR.lobster.
:param lobster_path: path to root LOBSTER calc directory
:return: path to structure file
for filename in ["CONTCAR", "POSCAR.lobster", "POSCAR.lobster.vasp", "POSCAR"]:
poscar_path = lobster_path / filename
if poscar_path.exists():
if filename == "POSCAR":
return poscar_path
gz_file_path = Path(zpath(str(poscar_path.as_posix())))
if gz_file_path.exists():
if filename == "POSCAR":
return gz_file_path
raise Exception
def get_reduced_mass(atom_pair: list[str]) -> float:
Compute reduced mass between a pair of atoms.
:param atom_pair: list of atomic species symbols in string
:return: reduced mass
atom1 = element(atom_pair[0])
atom2 = element(atom_pair[1])
return (atom1.atomic_weight * atom2.atomic_weight) / (atom1.atomic_weight + atom2.atomic_weight)
def get_electronegativities(atom_pair: list[str]) -> list[float]:
Get Allen electronegativities for a pair of atoms.
:param atom_pair: list of atomic species symbols in string
:return: list of Allen electronegativities
atom1 = element(atom_pair[0])
atom2 = element(atom_pair[1])
return [atom1.electronegativity_allen(), atom2.electronegativity_allen()]
def sort_dict_by_value(input_dict: dict[str, float]) -> dict:
Sort dictionary by values.
:param input_dict: input dictionary
:return: sorted dictionary
return dict(sorted(input_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]))