Source code for lobsterpy.featurize.utils

# Copyright (c) lobsterpy development team
# Distributed under the terms of a BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

"""This package provides the modules for featurzing Lobster data ready for ML studies."""

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path

from monty.os.path import zpath

[docs] def get_file_paths( path_to_lobster_calc: str | Path = "", requested_files: list[str] = [], use_lso_dos: bool = True ) -> dict: """ Get file paths for LobsterPy featurizations, raise Exception if not all of requested paths exist. :param path_to_lobster_calc: path to root LOBSTER calc directory :param requested_files: files to return paths for. :param use_lso_dos: solely required for BatchDosFeaturizer. Will force featurizer to use DOSCAR.LSO.lobster instead of DOSCAR.lobster. :return: dict that assigns each item of requested_files its path """ default_values = { "structure": "POSCAR", "cohpcar": "COHPCAR.lobster", "icohplist": "ICOHPLIST.lobster", "cobicar": "COBICAR.lobster", "icobilist": "ICOBILIST.lobster", "coopcar": "COOPCAR.lobster", "icooplist": "ICOOPLIST.lobster", "charge": "CHARGE.lobster", "madelung": "MadelungEnergies.lobster", "doscar": ("DOSCAR.LSO.lobster" if use_lso_dos else "DOSCAR.lobster"), "lobsterin": "lobsterin", "lobsterout": "lobsterout", "bandoverlaps": "bandOverlaps.lobster", "potcar": "POTCAR", "vasprun": "vasprun.xml", "incar": "INCAR", } lobster_path = Path(path_to_lobster_calc) file_paths = {} missing_files = [] for file in requested_files: file_str = default_values.get(file) file_str = file_str if isinstance(file_str, str) else file if file == "structure": try: file_paths[file] = get_structure_path(lobster_path=lobster_path) except Exception: missing_files.append(default_values["structure"]) else: file_path = lobster_path / file_str if file_path.exists(): file_paths[file] = file_path else: gz_file_path = Path(zpath(file_path)) if gz_file_path.exists(): file_paths[file] = gz_file_path else: missing_files.append(default_values[file]) if missing_files: raise Exception(f"Files {missing_files} not found in {}.") return file_paths
[docs] def get_structure_path(lobster_path: Path) -> Path: """ Search iteratively for (unzipped / zipped) structure file. POSCAR is prioritized over POSCAR.lobster. :param lobster_path: path to root LOBSTER calc directory :return: path to structure file """ for filename in ["POSCAR", "POSCAR.lobster"]: poscar_path = lobster_path / filename if poscar_path.exists(): return poscar_path gz_file_path = Path(zpath(poscar_path)) if gz_file_path.exists(): return gz_file_path raise Exception